
What are some good ways I can qualify for grants and scholarships?

by Guest45302  |  earlier

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I plan on going to college and I was wondering what were some good ways to qualify for grants and scholarships, I wasn't the best student in High school so what are somethings I should do that can increase my chances of getting these?




  1. Just apply for a bunch of em

  2. The most important thing you can do is make sure your parents complete the FAFSA (Free Federal Student Aid) - do so in January of your high school Senior year and each year that you are in college.  Check in with the financial aid offices of the colleges you're interested in and see if they have programs to help you pay for your college costs.  Also check out - this is a free site that lists scholarships and awards for students heading to college.  Do NOT ever pay anyone money to "help you find scholarships" - those are all scams.  Good luck!

  3. Get GREAT grades and apply alot. make sure to awnser my question

  4. Look at my source.  It is what came up when I looked up your question.  

  5. get married (then you'll be counted as an independent student and won't have to mention your parents income), say you're 1/4 or more of a minority (if you are alread, that's even better), choose a major that gets good rewards (federal and state grants are available for people majoring in education.


    please answer!!!!!!! and i am sorry i dont know the answer...athletics?

  7. Hello how are you? First of all you having a lot of volunteer or community service experience will definitely increase your chances/rate of success. What I suggest you do is use a scholarship search. A scholarship search allows you to create a profile and receive information for all the scholarships that you are eligible to apply for based on your profile description. actually has 2 free scholarship searches available right now. I hope this helps. Good Luck!

  8. http://free-grants-scholarships.blogspot...   may be helpful for you.

  9. minority scholarships. go for FAFSA and file for that in january, you should get financial aid from them.  also, you can go to sites like to look up stuff to apply for

  10. Well, the best way is to make good grades, but you can make a high score on the ACT or SAT. That will help a little bit.

  11. for 1 being black or just not white.

    2. being poor

  12. Say your African American, they will never chech, and if they do yo say you have black heritage in you , what are they going to do about it take out a "shades of color chart" on you

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