
What are some good ways to fit into high school and get a girlfriend?

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What are some good ways to fit into high school and get a girlfriend?




  1. be yourself is right. after my past two years of highschool it became apparent being popular no longer means a good highschool experience. be honest to yourself and find people who shame not only common interests, but common MORALS. this is very important, dont get involved with kids who drink every weekend if thats not you. or kids who terrorize other kids, etc...

    as far as getting a girlfriend, dont say to yourself im going to get a girlfriend soon. wait as the year progresses and youll start meeting new people or finding out who you could potentially be with.  

  2. Not worrying about fitting in and gee I don't know do your homework and concentrate on that and the rest will fall in line if you act normal.  IE: not being a jerk to girls just because your friends are turnoff.  Always be nice and contrary to popular belief us girls do like nice guys and smart ones too.

  3. Just be real and don't be a dumb *** who does everything to get attention.

  4. lamest answer ever but just be yourself. Maybe just get some cool clothes and shoes and a good haircut. As long as you are not a nerd youll be find. Just don't lie your lies with catch up with you and you will never have any freinds!

    To get a girl try to make her laugh. If she laughs she likes you. And don't be a jerk to her. Like you would do in preschool. And remember she probably isnt going to ask you out us girls are really shy shier that you so you have to make the move. AND DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT! Lie and try to impress her you will look like an idiot!

    :D good luck!

  5. Stand out in the crowd.

    Stand up for what you believe in ( very attractive)

    Be especially nice.

    Compliments make girls feel good, escpecially when coming from a guy.

    Talking to girls and actually carrying a good conversation with them is key, also play it up by suggesting some good songs that you think she might not know of ! ( that way, whenever she hears it, she'll think of you.)

    hope I helped. :)

  6. be yourself.

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