
What are some good ways to get exercise when you are lazy?

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I can't run very long. I have a bike and some dumbbells, as well as one of the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. I live about a block away from a playground. I also own a Wii and get really into the games (jogging in place when running bases in Wii Sports, running back in forth during tennis, etc)

I need some good ideas to get a workout without it getting boring. I have a hard time motivating myself to get out and go on a walk, and after a day of Walk Away the Pounds, her voice annoys me. I have a pretty flexible schedule right now, but I don't want to spend hours at a time working out-I prefer shorter little workout "breaks" in my day.





  1. try push-ups or sit-ups, with good music, or some crunches, or lunges.(i am 11 year old girl that takes dance, i know things :D).Or buy a cute outfit to go walk,run,or jog in to hype u up. :D

  2. I have the same problem.  I gained 15 lbs after I moved and I am looking for a good way to lose it.  I have started doing yoga and a cardio/yoga dvd from Gaiam (a yoga/workout company).  I really like it and i'm feeling good about it.  I find myself wanting to do it (first time that's the case, i assure you!).  Just experiment around, go to your local Y and take some classes.  find what you like!

  3. it is ok to be lazy some times but you need to be doing other things besides staying in side and and sitting on the couch or chair you need to go out and have some fun with friends or family play football or something like that. you might want to start eating healthier to.

  4. masturbation

    its fun and gets ur heart pumping

  5. Why not find a physical hobby you like? I love to garden so I get out and dig weeds, plant flowers, hedges, trees. You can mow the lawn, trim overgrown bushes, trees, etc. If it is something you truly like then it will not be 'exercise' and the time will fly by before you realize it. Do you like sports? Volleyball, baseball, bowling, whatever, you can join local teams either found via the newspaper (look in the community pages) or a church group if you have a religious bent. You can find others who like what you do via Yahoo groups online. Think about what you enjoy. You can take a dance class, an exercise class, etc. in your local college's community classes for non-students. Call the college and ask about the classes. You obviously have the time.  

  6. If you like short workouts then you need to make the most of it. Look into High intensity interval training. Also if you do find yourself short of time then tabata interval training is very good. It requires 100% effort, a lot of sweat and a little vomit now and then but it only lasts for 4 minutes.

  7. Start with small bits of exercising.  Tell yourself I will walk, or jog, or do push ups for lets say 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes if you are feeling good, maybe add a couple of minutes.  So on and so forth.  You have to teach yourself not to be lazy.  It's really hard to do, but is it worth it?  Why do want to exercise?  To be healthy?  To look good?  Nothing good comes easy.

  8. The trick is probably not going to be to find an exciting way to exercise, but more of trying to find ways to make boring ways to exercise more exciting.  

    Exercising is really pretty lame.  That's why most people don't like doing it.  

    My advice?  Go running or biking with some friends.  If you're talking to someone, it's more interesting and you can last longer than if you were alone.  Heck, you say you like Wii, maybe you can try getting competitive about exercising, though maybe getting competive about that stuff is more of a guy thing.  (Lets face it, guys can compete about anything)

  9. eat alot of fiber seriously... it sounds really gross but it really works. my aunt did it and she lost A LOT of weight

  10. You have all the tools you need except motivation and the will power to keep doing it. think of 3 good reasons why you need to work out and then measure your progress every 2 weeks.  good luck!!!

  11. yoga is can choose your level of work out with yoga, which is nice....makes you very flexible which is useful.

  12. Go to the gym or buy a cross trainer and you only need to do 30 mins excercise in order to be healthy. Instead of driving places walk everywhere.... catch the bus because then you have to walk to the bus stops, walking for an hour a day helps lose alot of wieght.


  13. Carry on playing the Wii it will give you some excersise, Try going to the gym it's kinda fun, or just make a fun obstacle course in your garden using old items. good luck :) x

  14. Slim fast bars you can buy um at k mart or Walmart.

    Work out about 10 mins a day.

  15. I try to walk to do as many of my errands as possible.  Like I walk to the library, the bank, etc.

  16. tack a long walk

  17. he is right

  18. I know it's hard to get started, but exercise has to be part of your life in order to enjoy the benefits.  It's important to get variety - strength, stretching and cardio.  Walking is a great way to get the cardio workout.  Use an ipod to boost your energy.

    There are some great videos to use.  You can choose an easy or hard workout depending on your energy level.

    Good luck!

  19. Stop being lazy and exercise.

  20. workout with friends that alwaqys motivates me. Go for a walk. or buy a dog so you'll have to walk it around everyday

  21. Sometimes in the morning I get up and do a few Dance Dance Revolution songs.  Getting up and jumping around like an idiot first thing in the morning is the one thing that kicks lazy in the butt, well for me at least.

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