
What are some good ways to get protein if your a Vegetarian?

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p.s. what dose tofu taste like? i dont have enough guts to try it




  1. either stop being a vegetarian

    or use the protein supplements they sell at the GNC

  2. Boca burgers..

  3. There are many sources of vegetarian protein.

    Dairy, eggs, nuts/ seeds, tofu, soy milk, the list goes on.

    The Vegetarian Society says:

    ''Most foods contain at least some protein. Good sources of protein for vegetarians include nuts and seeds, pulses, soya products (tofu, soya milk and textured soya protein such as soya mince), cereals (wheat, oats, and rice), free-range eggs and some dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt)''.

    Tofu tastes bland on it's own, but it picks up the flavour of whatever you cook it with. There are lots of tofu recipes on the internet. Here is a tasty tofu recipe to try:

    Tofu is great for protein. Why not give it a try?

    I provided a link that says all I need to mention.

    I hope you find it useful.

  4. nuts, beans, dairy, eggs.  soya beans are common in vegetarians foods and are used to make things like quorn and tofu.  with tofu, it totally depends on how you can cook it and what you have it with. you can do so many things with it, you can get silken tofu which isnt solid, and you can get tofu pieces that are spongey and are good to fry in a sauce. i havnt tried tofu on its own but im sure it would taste bland, however i love frying it with sauces because it really soaks in the flavour and as you bite it its really juicy and i think one of the most flavorsome of foods - its totally down to the sauce. its got a chewy texture when you fry - the first time i tried it it sort of reminded me of a kind of scrambled egg for some reason. it doesnt really taste like any particular food it really is its own thing lol

    do NOT take protein supplements like someone said. vegetarians who take protein pills are just contradicting themselves. if we believe that we are not meant to eat animals, then there is no need to take supplements. we can get anything from plant based foods that we can get from meat.

    hope i helped :)

  5. Tofu doesn't really have a taste but it has a creamy texture like a tick pudding.

  6. one cup of ice, five frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, 1 packet of splenda or other non sugar sweetner, one scoop of whey protein, 1 cup of skim milk all in a blender. Blend until smooth. It makes two eight ounce protein drinks, if you don't drink cow's milk make it with soy milk. Boy are these ever good. Yummy!

  7. nuts of all types

    peanut butter

    beans of all types



  8. tofu is relatively high in protein...

  9. nuts, esp. almonds

    soy products


    peanut butter (watch for fat, though)

    dairy products

  10. Getting enough protein is easy. I have never even heard of anyone in the western world not getting enough protein - that vegetarians don't get enough protein through their diet is just...a myth, really.

    Almost all foods contain some protein - vegetables generally don't contain all 8 essential amino acids, meaning that you don't get complete protein from eating, say, carrots - but combine several different foods (for example, chickpeas and couscous) and you'll get complete protein. As long as your diet is reasonably  varied you'll get the amino acids / protein you need.

    Good vegetarian sources of protein: grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, tofu and other soy products, Quorn... (+ dairy products and eggs if you're not vegan). Tofu doesn't taste much - it tastes like whatever you're cooking it with! I prefer marinated tofu, or "tofu rosso", which is flavoured with tomato, olives...

  11. If you live near a Kim Son resturaunt ask for the Fun House Delight. It is a vegan tofu dish that tastes like HEAVEN. It comes with rice squares and carrot gingner sauce!

    Tofu tastes like nothing, it absorbs whatever flavor you cook it in.

    Dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, and beans are all great sources of protein. Smoothie king can make a vegan protein shake. Jamba juice makes a pretty good shake too, word of mouth.

    There is protein everyone. Brocolli actually has more digestable protein than some meats. There is protein everywhere you just have to know which vegetables to get them from. If your eating  balanced diet than you can get everything from protein to all of your vitamins and minerals through your food.

  12. How do you get protein?  From food.  As long as you get enough calories, and they're not all junk food, you should be okay.

    Tofu is rather bland and takes on the flavors of whatever you cook with it.  If you freeze your tofu, it will change the texture and make it chewier.  I actually store my tofu in the freezer, and it will stay for months.

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