
What are some good ways to help yourself fall asleep, other than using drugs?

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im a 14 year old girl. i dont want to use drugs but since its summer ive been staying up late and having trouble sleeping. what methods can i do to fall asleep? Ex: like counting sheep and little games with your head.




  1. For me...usually if I am into a really good book and try to read it in my bed before I go to sleep....I end up falling asleep...I usually don't read a bunch, but sometimes I come acrossed a good book. It calms me and within minutes I am out no matter how interesting it is. Also be more active during the day...try and do stuff that will wear u out then u will be more tired towards the end of the day and u'll fall asleep faster. Good luck

  2. First you can try warm milk. But if that don't work try Tilo tea. Its suppose to help you relax naturally and fall asleep. If that don't work either then try taking a warm bath before bedtime and take something called Airborne. You can buy it at Walmart. A teacher invented it. In order to work you half to buy the nigh time one. It has ginseng in it which is natural and helps you fall asleep. This is what I take and it works for me. I take it half an hour before I got to bed. If I take it much earlier and I don't go to bed right away then it gets hard for me to fall asleep.

  3. Drink "night time" teas. They work wonders!

  4. sometimes i just

    watch tv till i fall


  5. listen to soothing music

  6. Exercise during the day

    have a hot bath before bed

    drink chamomile tea

    don't nap during the day


    Don't read in bed or watch tv in bed

    Don't eat a couple of hours in bed

    Make sure you are comfortable


  7. Drinking warm milk helps me sleep.  Another alternative is drinking a little wine, about half a tea cup.

  8. Since I was really little my grandma sprinkled lavender oil on my pillow. You can get it at a health food store for under $10(also one bottle lasts you a really long time, I have had mine for almost a year and as far as I know it doesn't expire) and its all natural and it helps you sleep. You can also wet a washcloth with warm water and a few drops of oil and put it over your eyes.

  9. Try waking up extra early. You will be much more tired when it is time to go to bed. No naps. No eating before bed. Exercise to get tired during the day.

  10. Try reading, that always makes me tired. Also, I can just lay in bed and completely clear my mind, relax my body, and eventually fall asleep. It may be hard for a few days, but once you get into the routine, it comes easier. Good luck. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  11. I like to listen to Enya's music--it is really calming and relaxing. It helps me fall asleep! :) Good luck falling asleep! (:

  12. Turn off the computer

  13. Warm milk is not an old wives tale, but it tastes horrible.  Ice cream and other dairy products contain l-tryptophan(e), a natural amino acid that triggers the sleep response.  Foods like  turkey and tuna also contain high amounts of l-tryp, so you have a few choice easy ways that are safe.  Me, I like ot have a milkshake, and outi go.

  14. Try get-up early. Don't sleep after lunch. After dinner before gonna sleep take a glass of warm milk (warm milk is proven sleeping pills).

  15. Drink a glass of milk before you go to sleep!

  16. Method 1:

    This probably isn't the most healthy way, but it works.

    Stay up late one night and get up early the next morning, and don't take a nap during the day. When night comes, you will be tired.

    Method 2:

    Take a warm bath before bed. It always works.

    Method 3:

    Drink warm milk. It works. :)

    Method 4:

    Read before you go to bed. Sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of a sentence!

    Other Tips:

    - Get off the computer and stop watching TV 30 minutes before you want to go to bed. Instead, play a card game or read before you want to go to sleep.

    - Don't drink caffeine past noon. Caffeine stays in your system for up to TEN hours! So if you want to be in bed at a decent time, only drink coffee, and other caffeine before noon.

    DO NOT DO:

    - Do NOT count sheep. It will actually KEEP you awake instead of falling asleep!

    - Do not watch TV or play on the computer 30 minutes before you plan to go to sleep.

  17. i do this all the time when i can't sleep...get a hammer and knock ur self out!

  18. listen to music and or go swimming before you go to bed if like theres a pool around and your aloud......

  19. read a book,drink something hot(no caffine), take a warm bath before u go to bed..

  20. Actually, counting sheep doesn't help at all. It keeps your mind busy, therefore making you fall asleep slower. But heres a couple of tricks:

    1) lay down on your back (or your stomach) and relax every muscle in your body, including your brain. Then just lay there for a little while with your eyes closed, and you'll be suprised how fast  you fall asleep.

    2) Drink some non-caffinated herbal tea, or some warm milk.

  21. that's a great question, i think exercising is a great way to get rid of some energy and helps people sleep better

  22. I listen to peaceful music and that usually makes me fall asleep :)

  23. For starters, try to go to bed at the same time. Avoid drinking caffeine at least 5 hours before. Try reading something boring.

  24. read a book, drink warm milk. it sounds gross but it works

  25. Drinking nice relaxing herbal teas like chamommile is a great relaxant. (avoid peppermint, green, and any spicy teas as these will just keep you up).

    Also, it really helps to go to bed at the same time each night. If you stay up late just set a later bedtime, but try to make it to bed each night around that time.

    When I was 14 I had the WORST insomnia ever. I would be SO tired but I couldn't sleep. Something that really helped me was finding a bedtime routine. For me, it was praying and I would just pray everynight while lying in bed (with my eyes closed so sometimes my head would wander off and go to sleep), and that was something that I would do every night to get my brain into the mood of unwinding.

    However, I know not everyone is a theist so a bedtime ritual could be anything from reading relaxing poetry to humming a song. Writing in a journal is a GREAT way because if you do it before you go to bed it becomes the bedtime ritual, and you can unload all of the stress and information you might be carrying around so that you wont stay up at night with your mind racing.

    It might take a few days or weeks to get into that habit but if you do it every night you should start to gall asleep sooner than you are now.

    A nice alternative to medications is valerian root. You can buy it from health food stores and even some grocery stores. Its just a simple herb that helps to calm and relax the body. I think you might be able to find some valerian teas somewhere, but they probably don't taste the best.

  26. Drink night time teas

    Warm milk

    Count backwards from 100

    The key to try to fall asleep is be relaxed and not stressed on something. Bedtime is not time for thinking of bad, stressful things.

  27. Wake up early,keep yourself busy like cleaning and organizing your room ect.....get a good work out during the day and you will be sure to get a good nights sleep.

  28. Drink warm milk and read a book lying in bed. Don't listen to music, watch tv or do anything strenuous.

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