
What are some good ways to keep a 3 year old girl entertained?

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What are some good ways to keep a 3 year old girl entertained?




  1. All little igrl like to play being a mother themself, try buying her a pots and pans set like a kitchen set up, or a doll with several parenting accessories, like a crib, bathtub and high chair, she would probably love playing with the doll as if were real and cooking like she's really doing it.  Try having her play with her cooking set when you're really cooking in your kithen and acting like what she's cooking will really be ate at the dinner table.

    Hope this helps.


  2. mine likes to help so i bought her a little vacuum and a little broom.  and I would read to her and she loved to practice her letters so I bought her a work book, she likes to draw and color and when i feed my son, my daughter feeds her baby dolls

  3. Colouring, crafts, trips to the park, play groups, swimming lessons, play dough, getting her to help with the cleaning and cooking, stories, puzzles, dress up.

  4. when my daughter was three she enjoyed hotwheels or helping around the house like a grown up.

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