
What are some good ways to make money as a 12 year old?

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What are some good ways to make money as a 12 year old?




  1. - Try and strike a deal with your parents to do your chores for a certain amount of money.

    - Offer to walk your neighborhoods' dogs.

    - Sell Lemonade on a hot day :D

    - Baby sit

  2. -babysit in your neighborhood

    -walk dogs

    -mow lawns

  3. baby sit for people who need a sitter since school is or will be out soon.

    yard work-perfect time of year.

    you could offer to wash cars?

    whatever you do dont let anybody rip you off because of your age.

  4. Look to your community for a registered babysitting class.  (Fire Dept., local rec. center, etc.) You are able to take the class at your age.  Having your certification will bring in serious offers from families who need sitting over the summer months.  Type up your ad and post it at the supermarket, salon, rec. center or at school!  Good Luck!

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