
What are some good ways to make money self employed? Legitimate ways. Not looking to go to jail.?

by  |  earlier

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I have people to support and mouths to feed and very little money to build from right now. I have always found I work better and make more money when I work for myself but it's been hard lately and I am hoping that some of you might be able to give me some suggestions. Thanks and I really appreciate and value your feedback and or answers.




  1. I have been running my freelance academic writing account for over a year and desire to sell it.

    Start your home business in writing on any subject as a freelance writer and earn in dollars every month.

  2. There is a website that will pay you VERY good money to view websites. It takes about 10-15 minutes a day and you can earn a full time income easy! If anyone wants more information on it email me at


  3. Hahaha I love your last part not looking to go to jail.  What did you have in mind with that statement?  I know a lot of people that have their own home based businesses in several different industries.  You are right about it being better to work for yourself.  The income opportunity to being self employed or having your own home based business is incredible and far better then a normal job.  I think a home based business is better then being self employeed with a traditional business because for one they cost less to start. For two you have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  I'm not sure what you are looking into doing for yourself, but here's a blog that has over half a dozen different industries to look into with legitament businesses that you can go into business with.

  4. i appreciate if you could check this ecommerce blogs. I stopped with the second chapter. If you all encourage i will start from the third.. BTW I am an ecommerce expert and have experience in online store for more than 5 yrs.

  5. I seen you are looking for extra work,my name is Imen, and i am inviting you to check  this out and giving you the oppertunity to make an excellent income by social networking with can make you can your financial situation for good... this a social network that helps you make  good money. To find out more click the link below:

  6. Hey,

    Just wanted you to check out a website that helped me alot. You can use their services (which promotes wealth building, credit building, and debt management, identity theft protection, and other services) and/or become a rep and earn money by just referring people. I am a 20 year old single mom about to be on maternity leave and I needed extra income. I FINALLY listened to my mom and checked it out. I referred 3 single moms that I knew and we all recieve residual bonus checks every month. Their is NO SELLING unrealistic products or anything hard. You just show people, friends, family the website and they sign up. Theres a minimal cost to be a member and/or rep and you also recieve the perks of the services. My credit score went up 89 points (and going) AND i make anywhere between 400-750 a month. I just refer people like you looking to make extra income or in a bad financial situation. I look forward to buying my first house for me and my little one next year. She deserves it. become a member to become a rep and make money like me

    My rep ID#135065

  7. Hello,

    Online jobs from home is one of the good ways to make money. You can get some legitimate jobs from this site.

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