
What are some good ways to make the punching more powerful?

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Let say you want to be a boxer or an UFC fighter, What are some good ways and/or workouts that can make your punching more powerful and hit harder?

2Q - Would hitting your hand hard on wood make it powerful and strong? And to hit harder too?




  1. Good workouts for punching harder are anything that targets your core. ie- go look for a six pack (non alcoholic), obliques and lower back muscles. Theres tons of stuff on the internet for these.

    It is often funny to see some guy with gigantic arms unable to hit anything with force. As already mentioned power comes first from the back leg pushing forwars, snapping your hips (most important part, therefore core muscle training) then extending your arm for the snap.

    Another way to think of this with a hook is, you have no arm, you have an iron rod there. Your foot pushes, hip snaps highest velocity at the end of the rod.

    If you really want to know, ask any boxer worth his salt.

    Hard knuckles. NOOO

    Ok it works in the films, it even works in real life. You will calcify your knuckles making them bigger and harder. Now thats all cool. You'll get scars on the backs of your knuckles, yay even cooler.

    Bad points, your knuckles are joints, they're that size so they can move easily. Old boxers struggle to move the joints because they've hit to many things, hard.

    Wouldnt recommend it, but if you do of course want to harden things uselful for fighting go for the blade edge of your hand (ground and pound (GNP)), Outside of your arm (blocking, GNP) and your shins (blocking, striking). These are not joints. they get bigger harder and you deaden the neves, in the long term still not good for you. Wood will do just fine, bamboo is great. Harder materials tend to break the skin more often.  

  2. I've heard that if you punch rice, and then eventually move up to gravel, you'll build up your knuckles.

  3. find something to punch and keep hitting it. wood cement (as some guy said) punching bag. and just keep hitting it the much you punch the more strength you will build up. there arnt to many other ways to build up the same muscles as actually punching. wieghts can work aswell.

  4. technique and muscles concentrate on the snap back the faster it comes back the harder you hit. its called kinetic energy when you push the floor with your foot energy travells up the leg into your hips where you then flick spin your hips it then travels up the body into the large chest and back muscles and down the arm where you make contact and snap back its all in the hips

  5. Wood is for little girls. Hit concrete (not hard). Get in a horse stance and do punches with weights in your hands (around 5 lb.).

  6. ask katana172 his is a real p***y

  7. Kind of weird how these people are teaching only the old methods of training your punching power while other top martial artists are lifting weights and using a lot of modern equipments. But the old ways of training would be pretty preferable too but you definitely need more than that if you want to become good/better.

    Training method:

    Wrist curls

    Reverse wrist curls


    Bicep curls

    Shoulder press(you can use dumbbells too)

    Triangle push ups

    Chin ups(under grip closed handed, wide grip, classic, etc.)

    Chest press


  8. If you ever studied science (Physics actually) you should know that most force = mass * acceleration. Thus since your fist is actually light, most of the power in a punch comes from it's speed.

    So just gain punching speed, and train your reflexes.

    Try this for reflexes:

    Hold up a ruler with one hand, in between you thumb and index finger of the other hand. Choose a point (six inches for example), then drop the ruler. Try to catch the ruler at the point/marker you chose.

  9. Practice on a makiwara or heavy bag.

    As for what bujikan Ninja says i would seriously doubt that you would want to take advice from somebody who despit their extensive training thinks that a yellow belt in TKD has to register as a lethal weapon in Florida? Here's proof.;...

    The fact is that he is a wanna be cyber Ninja, and here is a link about the style he takes.

    Quite honestly taking his advice will cause you alot of pain, but then I guess it sounds good when you don't really train.

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