
What are some good ways to pass the time in an airplane?

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What are some good ways to pass the time in an airplane?




  1. hi there, i have been on planes heaps of times, national and international and mostly i read, sleep, take walks up and down the aisles, eat, puzzles, watch movies, listen to music, play on board computar games and go on the laptop.

  2. ipod, watch the videos on board, sleep

  3. read a book/magazine

    listen to music

    take a nap

    do crossword puzzles

  4. each person has a screen to watch movies! so you can be pretty occupied (: i was!

  5. ipod, read, crosswords, sleep, talk to new people.

  6. Sleep.

  7. Please don't count on Melody's answer.  I've flown a lot in my day, and have only been a couple of flights with these in-seat screens.  I used to carry a personal DVD player and you can rent these and many major airports, but having to carry that plus all the disks and such can be a hassle so I highly recommend an iPod with a season of your favorite show.  If your the type that can get lost in a great book, bring one.  I really love those I SPY books where you have to find teeny items hidden in a photo; they are so addicting!

  8. Oh yeah for the person a few people under me, theres not a TV for everybody on every flight on every airline. Depends what airline you fly and what airline your flying.

    Heres some ways:


    -Eat some Food (Keep in mind no liquids more than 3oz.

    -T.V if Plane has it

    -Games, if the plane has personal TVs



    -Look out the window

    -Chat with somebody

    -Walk aroun the plane and chat with the air attendant/F.A

    -Use your iPod!

    Hope that helps. Im 13 and been on a plane over 20 times so yeahh.. I get bored pretty easily. =)

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