
What are some good ways to run better?

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i get tired really fast and i want to know what can help build my stamina for running and im alredy using leg weights




  1. Yes, I agree with what the other guy said about losing the leg weights. Those are more for sprinters and increasing speed.

    Running form plays a big part in how tired you get on your runs. Keep your shoulders relaxed-don't tense up. If you're running for more than a mile, look straight ahead. Not up at the sky or down at the ground. Looking straight ahead will open up your lungs and allow you to breathe easier.

    It doesn't really matter how you breathe (in through your nose or mouth), just as long as you're getting enough oxygen. Just make sure you're not panting or taking shallow breaths as this can give you a side cramp.

  2. just run more, seriously. ditch the leg weights, they do next to nothing for running stamina.

  3. Make sure you're breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth-- that's very important.

    I get tired pretty easily too, but I can keep going. I have my iPod on loud enough so that I can't hear my breathing (pick an upbeat song-- I use Stronger by Kanye West-- no slow songs that have parts with soft music). When I can't hear my breathing, I tend to keep going. I feel like I'm not tired. :)

  4. See first start of at 4 kmph. slowly increase speed to 8 kmph(jog).Then sprint for about 100 mts. and then again go back to 4 kmph. Continue this process and do it every day.I am telling you in a matter of days your stamina would be at its would be better if you start of with a treadmill first.

  5. NEVER EVER WALK UNLESS UR CRAMPING OR IN EXTREME PAIN, jog as slow as u want 2 but don't walk, instead of a treadmill run to somewhere so it forces u to run back to ur car/house whtevr, start with a warmup and end with cooldown, run with a friend it gives u company and MP3s and iPod eases the pain

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