
What are some good ways to stay awake/alert at work when you don't feel well?

by Guest21213  |  earlier

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Howdy! I have a slight cold and feel like I could take a nap at my desk! I was wondering what "G-Rated" methods other folks use to stay alert when they're not feeling so good.

I would just go home, but need to save my sick days for the times when my children are sick. :)

Thanks so much!




  1. For me, it was always coffee --- and lots of it.  Also, moving around whenever I could, such as going back and forth to the coffee pot.

  2. Berocas are brilliant - they contain a high dose of B vitamins plus A and other things - these will pep you up and help you recover.  BTW they are also a great hangover cure as well.

  3. If you can get any excuse, get up from the desk. I realize all jobs don't provide this opportunity, but when i get sleepy at work, i'll go file something, or get a drink, or make a copy...any excuse to get blood working through your body will do.  

  4.   Take ex-lax.  That will keep you moving.

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