
What are some good ways to stop my dogs pain from limping on her hind foot? accupressure?

by Guest64554  |  earlier

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What's some alternative ways? i just gave her apple cidar vinegar and did some energy work i have her resting i her cage now. Any supplements or techniques to help relieve a minor injury? a massage or something?

It seems to be on the mid thigh area of the right back foot.




  1. So..let me get this've tried at least 2 useless treatments already, and are wondering about trying yet another useless treatment.?

    Why not find out WHY she is limping. Did she injure the foot jumping down from a height (little dogs do that a lot). Some breeds of dogs (little ones again) have "loose knees" and are more prone to sprain type injuries.

    Have you checked the pads of her feet to see if there is a cut, or a thorn or something?  Is this a chronic/recurrent thing...maybe your dog has arthritis.

    See a vet ( a real vet, not one of the altie vets).....Altie c**p won't help your dog.

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