
What are some good webshow names HELP?

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I am trying to make a web show. And I will be talking about the world, news, doing karaoke, and keeping people updated on my show. Now i want to know some cool names that make sense and seem cool. I will be having a web show with my sister. It will be a slight bit of comedy....but not too much. My name is Melissa and my sister's is Heather. I do not want a name like Melissa and heather show....or the M&H show.....Please help!




  1. this are  lame names u got to think out of the box

  2. what is you surname? Use it! Supposing ur surname is Clark, just for examples: DoubleClark or M&HClark or Clarksisters.

    Help me too please! I'm starting a webshow with my friend Victoria (Vic) and my name is Beatrice (Bia) and I can't find a name. Can you help me? We'd like to mix one of our names with a word and/or add "e-", like e-mail and e-book.

  3. Wb. Finley elephant, or that's ( your name) you know thinkgs like that

  4. Teen Talk's Tremendous but taken...

  5. Well, if your names are Millisa and Heather you probably can't morph them into a name so try something like this.
    The World Webshow, All things cool, The M.H station.

    If your a teen do something like, Teen Talk, All things teen. I do a webshow with a few of my friends, I hope you think of a name. Have fun, Emily.

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