
What are some good words that don't get used enough?

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Skullduggery, kowtow, dictionary...?

Any favorites?




  1. Billingsgate- Crude language

  2. oh yeah...

    raconteur \rack-on-TUR\, noun:

    One who excels in telling stories and anecdotes.

    defenestrate \dee-FEN-uh-strayt\, transitive verb:

    To throw out of a window

    *an all-time fave*

    choler \KOLL-ur; KOLE-ur\, noun:

    Irritation of the passions; anger; wrath.

    *makes me think of the furniture and stuff, wonder if THEY know what it means...?*

    glutinous \GLOOT-nuhs\, adjective:

    Of the nature of glue; resembling glue; sticky.

    Cockaigne \kah-KAYN\, noun:

    An imaginary land of ease and luxury.

    gamine \gam-EEN; GAM-een\, noun:

    1. A girl who wanders about the streets; an urchin.

    2. A playfully mischievous girl or young woman.

    malinger \muh-LING-guhr\, intransitive verb:

    To feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.


    tatterdemalion \tat-uhr-dih-MAYL-yuhn; -MAY-lee-uhn\, noun:

    1. A person dressed in tattered or ragged clothing; a ragamuffin.

    2. Tattered; ragged.

    antediluvian \an-tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn\, adjective:

    1. Of or relating to the period before the Biblical flood.

    2. Antiquated; from or belonging to a much earlier time.

    3. One who lived before the Biblical flood.

    4. A very old (or old-fashioned) person.

    puerile \PYOO-uhr-uhl; PYOOR-uhl\, adjective:

    Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; juvenile; childish.

    *hee hee, it sounds like poo...oh, wait...)

    emolument \ih-MOL-yuh-muhnt\, noun:

    The wages or perquisites arising from office, employment, or labor; gain; compensation.

    u•biq•ui•tous[yoo-bik-wi-tuh s] –adjective

    existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent:

    diadem \DY-uh-dem\, noun:

    1. A crown.

    2. An ornamental headband worn (as by Eastern monarchs) as a badge of royalty.

    3. Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown.

    4. To adorn with a diadem; to crown.

    vituperation \vy-too-puh-RAY-shuhn, -tyoo-\, noun:

    1. The act or an instance of speaking abusively to or about.

    2. Sustained and severely abusive language.

    sempiternal \sem-pih-TUR-nuhl\, adjective:

    Of never ending duration; having beginning but no end; everlasting; endless

    panoply \PAN-uh-plee\, noun:

    1. A splendid or impressive array.

    2. Ceremonial attire.

    3. A full suit of armor; a complete defense or covering

    egress \EE-gress\, noun:

    1. The act of going out or leaving, or the right or freedom to leave; departure.

    2. A means of going out or leaving; an exit; an outlet.

    3. To go out; to depart; to leave.

    quondam \KWAHN-duhm; KWAHN-dam\, adjective:

    Having been formerly; former; sometime

    sesquipedalian \ses-kwuh-puh-DAYL-yuhn\, adjective:

    1. Given to or characterized by the use of long words.

    2. Long and ponderous; having many syllables.

    3. A long word

    *why wouldn't you just say "a long word"?*

    brummagem \BRUHM-uh-juhm\, adjective:

    Cheap and showy, tawdry; also, spurious, counterfei

    vexillology \vek-sil-AHL-uh-jee\, noun:

    The study of flags.

    spoony \SPOO-nee\, adjective:

    1. Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental.

    2. Foolishly or sentimentally in love.

    *ok, who DOESN'T want to use this word?*

    vituperate \vy-TOO-puh-rate, -TYOO-, vi-\, verb:

    To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.

    philter \FIL-tur\, noun:

    1. A potion or charm supposed to cause the person taking it to fall in love.

    2. A potion or charm believed to have magic power.

    3. To enchant or bewitch with or as if with a magic potion or charm.

    lackadaisical \lack-uh-DAY-zih-kuhl\, adjective:

    Lacking spirit or liveliness; showing lack of interest; languid; listless

    chichi \SHEE-shee\, adjective:

    Affectedly trendy



    One who speaks above his level of knowledge, experience or expertise

  3. yonder, hither and thither

  4. Please and thank you.

  5. i like the word "yeee"

    dont ask me why, i just do haha

  6. conducor. I made it up when I was in high school. It means cool. Isn't that conducor.

  7. there is a plethora of words in my vocabulary that seem to go unused because people don't expect to hear them.








    these are a few of the words that this weekend , made people look at me and say HUH ? so I wonder now my 10th grade education provided me with this vocabulary that some of my college friends can't comprehend.

  8. Yaud -A worn out or old horse

  9. equivocal. use it. love it  

  10. Philter, stoic, callow, neophyte, canorous, irascible, lacuna, arcanum, aplomb, supererogatory, factitious, perquisite, hullabaloo, kismet, garrulous, brummagem, bonhomie, land of Nod, gloaming, provenance, perspicacity, polymath, sobriquet, moribund, acrid, puerile, triskaidekaphobia, polyglot, winsome, innocuous, adamant, salubrious, erudite, edify, ........

  11. tetrahydrocannabinol

  12. Supercalifragilisticexspealidocious

  13. Yes (too much "yeah" around these days)


    Thank you



  14. Egotistical.......

    (sums up half the people in my school)

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