
What are some great activities to learn French?

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i am 16 and i really want to learn french (my school doesn't offer any class)

my sister is in a university and she's taking french (i have someone to practice with)

what things should i do, read, sing or whatever to make learning french easier or more effective?




  1. i speak french because i take all my classes in french and i suggest to buy a bescherelle wich helps you with verbs and grammer, and buy a french-english dictionary. Try to find a french class for after school. Learn Songs and buy childrens french books and translate them with your sister. Bonne chance!!!!!!

  2. The French are snubby, learn spanish and hire Pedro to cut your yard for $5...much more effective.

  3. Le meilleur moyen serait que tu partes en immersion total en france in a family, a french family. Tu peux partir comme fille au pair.

    Bisous, et bon courage

    Ps: Si tu veux discuter avec moi, écris moi sur mon email ! Email me.

  4. The best way to learn French is to be around French people!  You could go to Quebec in Canada or France.  My brother did WWOOF, which is world wide opportunities on Organic Farms.  He went to France and worked on an animal farm and now knows French well.  If you can't do that now, you should look into programs for high school students to go abroad.  Sometimes they offer scholarships.

  5. Go to france!

  6. uh.. Study some words first. then tell your sister to write a french word on one side of a card and on the other side the same word but in english (make a few cards, 5-10) and then tell her to show you only the english side and try to guess the word. Every week make a new set of cards.

  7. Read the series of comic strips "The Adventures of Asterix" and "The Adventures of Tintin" in the original : "Astérix le Gaulois" and "Les Aventures de Tintin".

    Listen to the songs by Mylène Farmer, Kate Ryan and Axelle Red. Google the lyrics.

    Get some French movies in the original version and switch off the subtitles. Start with "Taxi", "Taxi 2", "Taxi 3", "Taxi 4" or the 1999 movie "Jeanne d'Arc" with Milla Jovovich.

  8. well it depends how far you want to take it. Fluent speaking i can kinda help with. i've been taking french since first grade and i'm going into 9th. some links below  might help with some of the basics. =] hope it helps =]

  9. On youtube there's a fantastic set of videos by a native french speaker. His lessons are pretty short (most of them) and very simple. Watch them in order! It's like having your own private free teacher, it's wonderful! Also there's a book I used to have that I ended up getting rid of at one point in my life (kicking myself for it now!!), but it's a workbook called French in 10 Minutes A Day. I provided a link for that as well at Amazon (they're less than $10 if you get it used).

    And before I sign off, let me ask you this: How did you learn english? you heard it over and over and over and over........... Most DVDs  have a french language option, so try putting in some of your favourite movies with the french language on even if it's just background noise.

    Good luck, and au revoir!

  10. Try singing and then slowly get into the habbit of rapping it HAHA LOL, and slowly get down to speaking and you will learn in fast, I promise!!! But be paitient. It takes time.

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