
What are some great books?

by Guest58438  |  earlier

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I don't really want the super popular ones. I can find those by myself. But I want some of your favorite books that aren't very well known.

Good plot and character development.




  1. Anything by a man named Terry Brooks or David Eddings.  

  2. Gemma Doyle trilogy. Great plot and great characters. Unlike some books, these character act really human. They do things motivated on wants, relationships, and the way they think. Each of the main characters has a different way of thinking. It makes it really interesting. :]

    Wicked. This book was amazing enough to inspire a broadway play. :] I'm sure you must know of the Wizard of Oz. Even if your not a fan of it, read this book anyway. I hated the Wizard of Oz, but I loved the book Wicked, as well as the play. <3 Wicked blows away all of your preconceived notions about the Wicked Witch of the West. In Wicked,  we learn that she was a misunderstood, pained creature. Her character gets very in depth as well as the other characters who come into the story. They all have their own motivations and their own ties into the Wizard of Oz. I highly recommend it.

    Theres a sequel to Wicked called Son of a Witch. I recommend that too, but I don't want to tell you about it, because it'll spoil Wicked. :] I recommend any book by Gregory McGuire (Author of Wicked.) He takes fairy tales and stories from the past and shows you the story from a completely different angle. It's amazing. And he really explores all of the characters reasons for how and why they acted both in the original and his version. He doesn't try to disprove anything in the originals, he just shows you a different side. It's amazing.

    I'm sorry, but I haven't read many other books that aren't popular. Still, I hope I've helped. Definitely try them! These books are amazing and have truly influenced me. Especially Wicked, that changed how I thought of the world, not to mention myself.

  3. Anything by David Eddings. I also found some by David Robbins to be interesting.  

  4. Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks

    A Gracious Plenty By Sherry Reynolds

    Anything at all by Christopher Moore (laugh out loud crying funny)

    Anything at all by Matt Ruff especially  Set This House in Order

    Mysts of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradly

    Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas (a pere)

    The Passion of Artemisia

    The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova

    Great Expectations - Dickens

    Mansfield Park - Austin

    The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

    To name a few..have fun!

  5. Do you have a preference?

    I suggest To Serve and Submit by Susan Wright though this is an adult type book with a lot of sexual scenes. Interesting and intriguing nonetheless.

    If you want teen, I suggest The Wizard, the Witch, and Two Girls From Jersey by Lisa Papasomethingsomething (complicated last name)

  6. twilight saga by stephanie meyer

    the wedding by nicholas sparks

    at first sight by nicholas sparks

    hope this helps

  7. obviously, the harry potter series.

    the ttyl series.

    the clique series

  8. Swan Song by Robert McCammon

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