
What are some great games to play with little kids?

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i go babysitting and need some ideas of easy games for toddlers and infants. Thanks so much--peace out!!!




  1. puzzles, fingerpainting, singing, ring around the rosey, duck duck goose, and my favorite, the quiet game ;)

    but serioulsy, they keep attention for 5 minutes or so.... just keep them active and jumping around, then snack and rest time. (for the toddlers obviously)

    infants pretty much eat, p**p and sleep.

  2. Check out the I Spy book series also-we bought them one by one-excellent before bed




    -BAKE A CAKE: allow them to help then decorate the cake. If there are two kids you can bake two small cakes &  let them each have their own.

    -STORY TIME: you can start a make up story and they can help you finish it


    -CATCH THE BALLOON (blow up a balloon and chase it around)

    -DANCE: stump like an elephant, tip toe across the lion, swim across the river.

    -MARCHING: stump around and bang pots and pans, anything that can make noise; sing a song with it.

    -HIDE AND SEEK: the kids can hide and you think out loud when you are trying to find them, like "i wonder where allysa can be hiding", "oh boy she really found a good hiding spot" and then when you find them tickle them.

    The key when you're playing with toddlers is whatever game you decide on you should give them your undivided attention so that they can feel more involved.  Hope this helps

  4. I started teaching my children at a very young age try:

    1.Colored block: Ask what are the colors or tell them. Make sure you get super excited when they are right.

    2.Coloring & Water painting goodfor an older toddler

    3.Children LOVE to help and cook so let them

    4. Puppets are always fun

    5. Kids love to dance... Have a small 2 people party

    6. Read to them and use funny voices

    7. Good for nature walks

    8. Build with block and play in the sand

    Hope this helped

  5. Simon says, telephone, Mother may I, red light green light, ring around the rosie, etc.

    Simple board and card games too like Candy Land, Go Fish, Memory Match, Old Maid, Hi-Ho Cherry-O, Ants in the Pants, Don't Break the Ice, Operation.

    Any kid loves to pretend they are camping. Make tents out of chairs, blankets, pillows etc. Also do pretend picnics, lay out a blanket on the floor and have a snack, pretending to do a picnic.

    Put on music and let them dance. Try some fun ones everyone knows like the chicken dance, maybe even try to teach them the Macarena (my daughter loves the jumping part). Or sing songs to/with them, like Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, London Bridges Falling Down, the Hokey Pokey song, etc.

    Coloring, finger painting, Playdo, glitters, stickers, paper airplanes. Finger painting idea is take a sheet of computer paper, and fold it in half. Have the kids dip their hands in the paints and press their hand on the paper (close to the crease of the fold), fold the paper up and press it together. You will have a butterfly made from their hands! Also Sidewalk Chalk is a great activity for kids when they are outside.

    Take pictures of them! My kids love to have their picture taken. Whenever they see the camera in my hand, they beg for me to take a picture of them. If you don't have a camera, but have a picture phone, use that.

    Read stories to them. Stories that include princes and princesses, dinosaurs, or robots/aliens are fun choices. Read stories and let the kids act them out too. Pop-up books are also a fun choice.

    From a mommy of a 4 year old.

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