
What are some great paying jobs?

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i am currently in highschool, but nobody in my family went to college. i want to go to college, but im not sure for what...what is a great paying job? i want to travel the world, and i want to get a great job and prove my family wrong..




  1. become a waitress good pay ukl het tips alot of them

  2. Ok do not: do any type of on-line fast money scheme, and waitress's do not make a lot of money. I did it in between jobs and it was bad, they work a lot harder than you realize and the money sucks. The pilott idea is a good one.  

  3. Airline pilots make 6 digits, thats fits your world travel needs

  4. Nursing, you can be a traveling nurse, they pay for housing, and you get the big paycheck.  But really you need to figure out what you want to do that interest you, a lot of jobs now have international potential.  So do some research on-line.

  5. you could try going to this website

  6. airline pilot is actually a great suggestion.  i know one who is just getting started and he doesn't make that much yet, but there is definitely great potential there.  but the coolest thing about it is that he can hop on a plane any time he wants and go anywhere he wants for free!!  now that's the life!  i also know a couple of people who are flight attendants, and that's another cool thing to do to travel and it doesn't require very much school at all.  

    but i think it matters a lot what you're interested in.  you can find all kinds of jobs with great perks that pay really well, but most of them take a lot of hard work to achieve.  if the field is something you're really interested in, that's great!  but if it's not, it may not be worth all of the work, no matter what kind of money it makes you!  of course, a job as most any kind of doctor pays really well, but you have to love what you're doing to get through the intense school and time you put into your job.

    it's so great that you want to be the first in your family to go to college!!  good luck!!!

  7. wow, thats fabulous. i glad u wanna go to college, u also have to know that the only way ur gonna do well in college is if u wanna go to college not just because u wanna prove people wrong and also don't give up and work hard and u can achieve ur dreams. the best paying jobs i know now is probably be doctors, (if ur interested,) and law. im interested in family law  and i know that it pays well too. they may be websites u  can visit or Google top paying jobs and see what comes up! good luck and what happened with that girl i gave u advice in the other day?

  8. Doctor majorly! a doctor is the highest paying job and the job that is the most welcomed in any country in the world. be a doctor. :)

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