
What are some great tennis strategies?

by Guest34266  |  earlier

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I have tennis tryouts and so i was wondering what are some strategies i can use to win all of my matches??


1) can aim (most of the time)

2) groundstrokes (the strongest of my shots)

3) Can somewhat slice (forehand)

4) overheads (depends on how im playing)


1) cant run very well

2) not good at net

3) serves not very strong

4)overheads (depends on how im playing)


1) good at overheads; powerful serves; good at net; lazy; anger issues

2) lazy, bad form, hits low shots, can aim, sometimes too much power

3) good ar overheads; powerful serves, good at net; lucky shots; backhead not so good

4) VERY powerful strokes, serves sometimes good other times not so good;

***numbers repersent my oppoenets




  1. this always helps me when i serve: as you toss the ball up and take your racket back, keep your tossing arm up and straight until you swing and follow through. also, the most important tip when it comes to serves that will get all of your serves in most of the time, as you're hitting the ball, point your racket head to your desired place in the service box and then follow through to your side.

    ***keep those tips in mind!***

    hope i helped! :)

  2. well for the first i would try to keep them on the base line and hit in the corners to keep them moving them give them a drop shot to finish the set. for the second try to also keep them at the base line but come up to the net and put pressure on them that way and they will start making mistakes. for the third try not to hit so many lobs and hit to their backhand as much as possible and try not to also gie them many approach shots so they can come to net.  for the forth person try to not give them easy shots and dont over hit to them because the speed from them will transfer to you. just stay calm in all your matches and stay focused. go into the game thinking you will win and dont be discouraged if you lose. when they are serving, try to stay back so you arnt cramped by the ball when you go to return. if you need more help i can probablly help you. good luck!!

  3. Simplest strategy is a drop shot followed by hitting the person, or if you want to see how fast they can run, hit a lob instead of hitting them.  Good luck!

  4. the best tennis strategy overall is definitely a counterpuncher. a counterpuncher just hits the ball back into the court no matter what shot the other player hits, when you play this way, your opponent will mess up. I gurantee it.  if you can, hit the ball wherever your opponent isnt. don't go to the net unless you have to, and after every shot, recover to the middle off the court on the baseline to prepare for the next shot. for serves, just hit the ball straight into the box as hard as you can for the first serve, and just get the ball in for the second serve. if you can, just take a whole day just hitting first serves over and over,, and you will get pretty consistent. good luck!

  5. nice q, but i feel as if im doing hw. so anyway:

    1. keep returning the balls hitting winners when possible and not makin mistakes to get em angry, they should mess up eventually. no SLICES and no short shots.

    2. hit higher shots if possible, run em around and around.

    3. hit hard to get shots to their backhand, otherwise it is no use. block the serve and make em run, no drops or slices. no such thing as consistent lucky shots BTW

    4. run em around again, hit some short shots to bring em in and hit a passing shot. just dont give the point away from ur own mistakes! it is key to winning most matches.

    good luck, but i dont know about wat tryouts ur talkin about school doesnt start til a month...

  6. lol... i play almost similar to u...

    for .1) sounds like roddick to me, just return his serves a good way to practice that is to ask one of ur friends to serve as hard as they can( it doesnt matter if it goes outsode da service box a little) that and well keep practicing to return... neways when ur friend hits it oustside da box itll be easier to retuen it wen it goes in box.wen at net lob. lob. and lob some more... when u win a point laugh a little. not alot, just incase ur coach gets angry... just enuf so that ur oponnt can see, that way itll p**s him offf that ur mokn him, and h**l be of his game... also increase  ur precision, try to hit at corners away from him...

    for .2) hit far away from him.. for da low shots try to hit lobs and REGULAR topspins not topspin DRIVES, that way da ball will bounce higher so when he hits it itll make sumwat of adifferernce not alot thoguh... wen u feel he has too much power stay bak... and try kkepn da rally going long for da part when he has bad form bcuz sooner or later he will miss...

    for.3) hit wey low shots( topspin drives) wen at net 1nce Gin lob and lob... nutn to say bout luky shots... and of course always hit ( if righty) all da way to da deep right so h**l hav to hit bakhand... when serving to ur right side( if ur righty) try to do ( american twist serves)(search on google(american twist serves and look for a guy jason gerardo expert village) he will teach you) so itll go to his bakhand

    for .4) try alot of drop shots so that will kill his power, try not to do too much cinsistently then h**l stay at net and smash wich u dont want... tyr to do drop shots wen hes a litlle bak or weneva a good time... nutn to say for da serves but to just to b ready...

  7. at your level you want to concentrate on your consistency. if you feel strongest with your groundstrokes, stay on the baseline. try to move your opponent side to side until you get a short ball you can put away.

    good luck! tennis is the best sport ever!!

  8. Here a some ideas. Hopefully you can hit a putaway volley, but if you can't practice.

    Againest oppoenet 1) If you can't hit the serve just block it(don't swing put ur racket were you want to hit it) make them run hit line to line. No drops or lobs unless you can get it over them

    Againest 2) Hit drops hit line to line

    Againest 3) Pound the backhnad every shot

    Against 4) Block shots don't mess up on their bad serves

  9. focuss

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