
What are some great things about Palin? Name at least 3 ?

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What are some great things about Palin? Name at least 3 ?




  1. Great?

    1: She has great, thick hair.

    2: She is involved in her state's more active issues. (Good or bad, I won't say. But she is active.)

    3: I can't think of another GREAT thing.

  2. She is a Women, she does not care what the media thinks of her, and she could be the first White women Vice President.  

  3. 1. She admitted to smoking marijuana as a youth: shes honest.

    2. The bright side, because she hasnt been around long, the Dems are gonna have a harder time finding "dirt" on her.


  4. 1) She's a hockey mom

    2)She can make a mean MOOSEBURGER

    3)She can shoot a gun

  5. Only one comes to mind. 80% approval rating.

  6. she looks good..she looks good...she looks good..I can have her in my office to change a light bulb at around 7 tonight.LOL

  7. 1. Great energy policy

    2. Saved her state 500 million in misappropriated funds

    3. Strong family values

    4. HOT!!!

  8. She's not angry

    She's not a Washington insider

    She's got more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket put together.

    She's really good looking

    She would beat Obama to a pulp in a cage fight

    She's actually worked for a living.

    She's not an elitist.

    80% approval rating from her constituents

    She cancelled the bridge to nowhere and gave the money back, over the objections of her own party.

    I have not seen this level of spluttering, hate, vitriol and rancor from the democrats in a long long time, which means she's perfect for the job.

  9. 1) She's willing to challenge the establishment, including her own party, if she feels it's in the best interest

    2) You can't say she's out of touch with average Americans, she's been one her whole life until very recently

    3) This is for conservatives, but she's more closely aligned with their base ideologically than McCain is

  10. She is articulate, poised, charming, intelligent, confident and did I say intelligent.

    She has also went from a PTA mom to the Governor of the largest State which has more territory then most countries.  All that with class, charm and determination.  Did I say intelligent.

  11. sorry can't think of  even one

  12. she got big b***s

    she's beautiful

    and she was a playboy mate/ pageant when she was young and beautiful, now she's 44 with 5 kids... so her things is not as tight but she looks great!

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