
What are some great websites for cheap plane tickets?

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I shouldn't say cheap... let's say less expensive plane tickets :)




  1. "18K Travel"

  2. I find that usually the airline website itself offers better prices than say...expedia. Shop different airlines...usually you can find something pretty good. Frontier tickets have dropped about $100 in the last two weeks.

    If you're going to college...check out the student services office. Usually they can help you book travel through the school which is less expensive.

    There's also a website you ca use if you're a student that sometimes has less expensive tickets (or so they claim....I have yet to prove this). The site is

    Finally, if you're looking to go to a different country, you can arrange to be a package carrier. Mostly they just fly from LA to Hong Kong...but the fares are cheap. I don't know the website for them off the top of my head, but I'm sure a google search would help you out.

    Last choice....get involved in a frequent flyer Credit Card program. Frontier was offering a $49 a year credit card with high interest (I think it was 16.7%?), but you get a free ticket with your first purchase. The amount of frequent flyer points you need just went up for a free I'm not sure how that works in to the Credit Card.

    Good luck!  

  3. Well, Orbitz is a pretty good site, their prices are kinda low.

    United Airlines is a really cheap airline.

    American Eagle is pretty cheap too.

    Southwest Airlines, a little expensive but the service is worth the price.

    Hope this helped!

    Jerry C.

  4. I like to use SideStep...

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