
What are some guidelines or tips to have high grades?

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If you are taking up Physics, Chemistry and Calculus at the same time? I'm having difficulties with these subjects. What can i do to pass them all?




  1. Study, study, study hard.... Yes, all of those subjects is hard... but when you will study, analys\ze and understand its will have a good grades......

  2. Those are very tough subjects and what's even worse is that you took them as your studies.

    You have to organize your time correctly providing the subject you have most difficulty with the highest amount of time but don't let it get in the way of the other subjects.

    What is an excellent tech. to do is to keep following up with your studies, i.e. each day you have a lesson about any of them you have to go home and review whatever you learnt about that subject that day. If you do that everyday then your exams will be real easy.

    Piece of advice: don't aim low, aim for high scores and you will get them.

  3. you need to have an open mind; and lots of common sense!

  4. Study hard.

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