
What are some hardcore games for Wii?

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It has come to my attention that there are none.

By Hardcore I mean a game with a long, intense storyline, lots of action, that you can really immerse yourself in.

the only one I've played so far is Super Paper Mario. and I've loked through countless libraries of Wii games and couldn't find a single other.

don't give me that Brawl c**p! Brawl is far from hardcore, now Melee was hardcore, Brawl is too cheap and stuff...

-Also galaxy doesn't come close to this description.

-guitar Hero doesn't count because it's for all systems(same with Rock band)




  1. Metriod Prime 3

    Metal Slug Antholgy it may not have much of a story but it has a ton of action and I mean a lot

    Man Hunt 2

    The Conduit


    Brawl is because I play it too much.

    there is some more but...    

  2. You must not be a true nintendo fan if you don't like brawl or galaxy.

    Anyway...You should try Twilight princess. it seems like that would fit your description. It is a great game with a great story. Not as good as other N64 Zelda tittles but still good.

    It is much better than super paper mario and brawl is too.

  3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii is a spectacular game. It has great graphics, tons of detail, and a super-long storyline. There's plenty of action, like fighting monsters in temples, saving Princess Zelda, turning into a wolf, galloping on a majestic horse, and herding goats once or twice! Lots of cool characters, plenty of big, detailed towns, and plenty of adventure. I highly recommend it if you want a "hardcore" game. Good luck!  

  4. Right now the lineup of hardcore games on Wii is pretty pathetic, but their 2008 - 2009 lineup will rock your socks off. Check out the top 5 upcoming hardcore games here:

    The ones to really look out for are:

    The Conduit:



    Deadly Creatures:

    Hope this helps.

  5. Well No More Heroes isn't that long(10-12 hour game) but it has lots of action and a mediocre storyline. How can you say brawl isn't hardcore when you say melee is, they are almost the same thing. Metroid prime 3 and zelda are exactly what you are looking for.

    Well I agree that there isn't that many hardcore games out, but the games that are coming this and next year seem to be targeted at the hardcore.

    -The Conduit (seems like what you are looking for)

    -Madworld(violent to the max, don't know about story though)

    -Monster Hunter 3( yes it is coming to wii and exclusively too)

    -Fragile(I'd say that this could very much be hardcore)

    -Final fantasy crystal chronicles: the crystal bearers

    -Brothers in arms(both of them are coming to wii)

    -Tales of symphonia

    -Disaster day of crisis

    -Monster lab( not sure about the story though)

    -Mushroom men( this could be a hit or miss)

    -Rygar: The Battle of Argus (another hit or miss)

    -Fatal frames 4 (it is a type of action)

    -Deadly creatures( most likely not story driven)

    -Tenchu 4!!!!!

    As i sad before, the line up of upcoming hardcore games is much better than the current line up.

  6. Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    Metroid Prime 3

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Super Smash Brothers Brawl all the way, come on dude are you kidding me! If you say that Brawl isn't hardcore, you probably don't know what hardcore is.

  7. Super Paper Mario is in no way shape or form a hardcore game, by any stretch of the imagination, try Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess.

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