
What are some health hazards caused by smoking cigarettes and pot?

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My friend now smokes both all the time and she says it's because it helps her feel happy because she's been depressed. She hangs out with an entirely new crowd. I want to present her with some facts about cigarettes and pot to hopefully get her to stop smoking them. Should I stick with her now that she has started getting into this stuff or should I start ignoring her to indicate that I don't like what she's getting into?




  1. death.

  2. Long-term pot use can make you paranoid and also give you severe panic attacks.  

  3. She probably turned to pot to self medicate.  Most teenage girls are in danger of clinical depression, which isn't to say we need to put every high school girl on Prozac, but that does explain why kids start smoking pot.

    So your friend needs friends and support, not blame and logical arguments.  She knows it's bad for her -- you can feel that smoking is bad for you.  But you don't care.

    Help her care.  Don't ignore her behavior, but let her know that you will care for her even when she doesn't care for herself.

    And yes, smoking pot decreases mental performance for days after you get roasted.

  4. well,  of course their are the obvious negative effects that come with smoking,   such as fatigue, hypertension,  addiction,   expensive,   if your firend has a family history or personal history with mental illness   such as bibiolar or schitzophrenia, pot can bring that out more.    Pot can also have affects on mood, motivation, eating behaivor,  energy level etc.          

    If you really want to get through to your firend  you cant press anything on her,    she is ultimatly going to do what she wants to do.  My advise would be to get her facts on what comes with the lifestyle of taking on smking nicotine and pot,    but do not press anything on her, that will just make her push you further away.   if you are very concerned about her hanging out with the wrong crowd    that make that known,  but again try not to force it on her as much as tell her how you feel.    

    good luck

  5. The biggest hazard to ones well being is the constant pestering from people who should just mind there own business.

    We know its bad for you !

    So what!

    We do not need a campain to explain the obvious.

    Let us get on with our lives and you go on with yours.

    "Dumb answers are not wanted here."

    Well it looks like your out of luck. "Smoking makes your lungs really gross"

  6. Smoking will make your lungs really gross.... If you do it enough you'll cough all day and you can eventually get lung cancer. (My grandmother is 50 and she coughs like twice a minute even when she isn't sick... Its really gross...)

    Pot can make you dumber.. And you can get fat because it makes you hungry.

    Try to help her and if it doesn't work, then just tell her you're not going to hang out with her because she's making bad decisions.

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