
What are some healthy cooking activities that I can do with preschoolers?

by  |  earlier

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HEALTHY!!!! please




  1. I have tried making applesauce with young kids. It was fun. I also added some cinnamon powder to scented the dish. U should make fruit salad with yoghurt, kids could bring variety of fruits and mix it up with yoghurt(natural flavour). Made some pasta with young kids would be fun too. U can add cheese, sausage and much morfe healthy food in it...

    Good Luck!!

  2. I remember in first grade making "candles" at Christmas time.  We started with a lettuce leaf, put a pineapple ring on top, then stuck in half a banana.  It looked like a candle and was a healthy snack.

    P.S.  If these aren't your kids, skip any snacks with peanut butter.  There is a growing rate of peanut allergies in young children.  In fact, a lot of schools are banning peanut products!

  3. *Ants on a Log*

    celery stick with peanut butter & raisins on top

    *Peanut Butter Playdough*

  4. Bake a pumpkin with them, scoop out the cooked pumpkin, and make pumpkin bread. Be sure you have good discipline. One child can measure the flour, another the spices, another can break the eggs, etc.

    Make personal pizzas from refrigerated dough (each personal pizza is half a "roll" flattened out), then add tomato/pizza sauce, and whatever toppings each wants (that you've chopped etc. ahead of time). Bake following the refrigerator rolls directions.

    Core and slice apples to make discs, spread peanut butter across each, and top with a vanilla waferl Yummmmmm!!!

    Go to the public library. There you will find, probably in the children's section, maybe on the parent-teacher shelf, cookbooks with recipes for cooking with kids. If you don't find one, talk to a reference librarian who will order some for you. (I finally bought my own, so I know they exist.)

    Google "simple recipes preschool" or some such keywords (without quote marks) to find help online.

  5. Maybe Rice Krispies Squares.... you can take care of melting the butter and marshmallow, and then let them mush it all together before it goes into the fridge.... maybe even in fun shapes....

  6. Do you have access to an Easy Bake Oven?  They are designed for children and as you read a recipe to the children, they can do the measuring, stirring, etc.  Smelling the recipe baking is all part of it.  And when it's done, what a sense of accomplishment and an enjoyable snack to boot!

  7. Fruit salad. The children can "help" cut some of the fruit up whilst learning about new fruits and where they are from, tasting them and talking about whether they like them or not. They can then take it home at the end of the day.

  8. Well my school always gave us celery with peanut butter with raisins on top called "ants on logs", but I'm not sure if all of the preschoolers can bite on the celery and successfully chew it. Celery can be pretty tough sometimes.

    Ritz crackers with cheese on it or some other thing on want is good, too.

    Or, vanilla crackers dunked into milk is pretty good. It's easy to chew and is pretty tasty, but the crackers may leave bits and pieces in the milk and the kids may choke on it...

    It never happened to me or anyone I knew, but it's a precaution.

  9. Ants on a log! get some raisons, peanut butter.... oh wait someone might be allergic... i 'll give it to you anyways... raisons, peanut butter and celery sticks. put pb on the sticks and raisons as the ants

  10. well i used to work in a day care and i used to love working With children and we used to make ants on a log what it is : you take celery cut it in half put a little peanut butter in the middle and use raisins for the ants it a fun project to do cause they get to do it them selves

    also you can have them make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while listening to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich song

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