
What are some healthy stuff that i can smoke and get high off of?

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i want to get high but stay as healthy as i can




  1. try dried basil lol

  2. are you serious?!?!

  3. You can't smoke anything and be high and be healthy. You could get or make a vaporizer and that way there is no smoke and that would be more healthy. You can always look up a few recipes and cook your get high stuff that way. You can get high and have a mild trip at the same time it you vaporize Salvia divinorum that was really fun when I did it. But i agree anything you get high from make sure it is fresh and organically grown (free of synthetic pesticides)

    Here is a link to vaporizers

    Here in info about Salvia divinorum

    Here is a link about how to make your own vaporizer

  4. dry out some celery and smoke that...

    organic fresh grown pot would probably be your best bet

  5. i'd stick with salvia or weed. those are your best bets.  huffing is pretty stupid and you never know what you're getting with shrooms.

  6. nitrous from whipped cream (make sure you dont shake it) you can trip off nutmeg and you can trip really hard on morning glory seeds (natural not from wal-mart). salvia divinorum, mushrooms (straight from the earth wtih no side effects)....stay away from paint and dusters. it makes your brain bleed.

  7. i think its kind of wrong to get high but if u really want to its your choice u canget high off whipped cream u hold the nozel under your nose and point it just so the air comes out and keep breathing that in it sound like it owuld work but it does

  8. entheogens and hallucinigens. They are schedule 1 drugs along with pot, which means they have the highest risk of abuse, no medical use. These drugs are actually non-addictive except for pot, which is addictive for other reasons.

    Schedule 2 drugs are less likely to be abused and have little to no medical use, which is herion, coke, mdma, and crack.

    Schedule 3 drugs are drugs non-addictive, and slight medical use, these drugs comprise mostly of DXM containing drugs, like meth and robo-tripping plain out.

    This country is run by religious fanatics across the ocean. We are the extended arm of the Holy Roman Empire, which is controlled by two churches, the pope and the black pope. Both of which have made it almost impossible to find hallucinatory substances in america. This being because you might expand your mind with these drugs, thus freeing yourself from the strict rules of a false society.

    So branch out and google some of them up, you'll find they are the least dangerous, non-addictive drugs you can find, and most rewarding. People consider drug use in this country smoking pot and snorting coke. What these idiots dont see is that we are surrounded by drugs; alcohol, day-time soaps, coffee, s*x, work, money, power, ect. They are just prone to look down on you because, simply, they do not want us experiencing these things. They want to sell us our spiritual lives, just like they sell us this false sense of freedom. Hows that for a yahoo answer

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