
What are some helpful things you did to help yourself after a serious relationship ended?

by  |  earlier

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We're both grown adults, I'm in my mid 20's, he is now 30. I was in a 3 year relationship with him, we lived together, almost got married. And he was my first love. But long story short, its over without a doubt. I don't have many friends here to hang out with and not any family. What are some other good things I can do to help me move on, forget about him and focus on myself?

(I don't feel this classifies as dating so I hope no one minds its in the marriage/divorce section, it feels more appropriate)




  1. I went out and got laid as much as possible, mad crazy s*x with hot strangers is the best way to forget and get over anything.

  2. It's time to move on and find someone new. I'm looking for someone new too. I guess we have that much in common and know what it's like to have no one.

  3. just keep busy contact old friends or family.time is the only thing that will heal for him going out partying with the younger crowd only means he wasn't ready to commit/ its not your fault.hopefully you can move on and find the right guy,good luck.

  4. The anger and resentment you feel will go away with time.  You have to realize that this breakup is not entirely his fault though.  It could be something simple, like "it's the wrong time" or "you're just not right for each other".  Once you can accept that it wasn't just about him or just about you, you will feel slightly better.  That's what I have to tell myself to let go of my ex.

    As for things you can do.  Take care of you!  Get your hair done, your nails done, whatever you like to do. Take a class to get out of the house and meet new people.  Join a club or do some volunteer work so you're not sitting at home.  Go see your family, you need some support right now and maybe you're due for a trip.  Do things that your ex wouldn't do with you.  Travel and see something new.  And if you are sad, cry.  Don't hold your feelings in because they will come out when you least expect it!  

    I know it's lonely and it's sad when going through a break up.  I'm going through one now and the best advice is to get out of the house!  Your life isn't over so don't stop living.  Of course I spend a lot of time on the computer too! Good luck!

  5. You should have no problems getting over this,

    he's young and immature, find someone your own age, some one with more in common and forget this loser.

  6. I decided to get a "New life"..Got a really good job, worked on getting more education and found new friends..Life only gets better when you don't have a "Baby" to care for 24/ 7

  7. go to the doctor. get some help

  8. Time does heal, eventually you'll have to forgive to ensure your own health. After my last marriage (abusive), I did things for myself. Did things that I was always interested school, karate. Find new interests to immerse yourself in. Personal growth is a great way to elevate your self esteem and see things from a different perspective.

  9. Re-invent yourself.  Get a make-over.....change your hair, do things for yourself that you never could cause you were busy taking care of that anchor around your neck.  I was married to someone like that and it doesn't get better.  He is now married to a really young girl, he is 33 and she is more on his maturity level.  Time will heal all and you will look at this as a learning experience.

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