
What are some helpful tips for traveling alone with a 7 month old?

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I'll be traveling with my 7 month old daughter in 2 days and would like some advice.




  1. Well I have traveled by car, airplane, train and bus with my babies.  The most children I have traveled with by myself has been 4.  At the time they were 7,4,3,2 months.  No matter what you are traveling in; put your baby in a comfortable outfit.  You can always change them when you get there.  I usually put a bib on them, just in case.  Have a small towel/burp rag on hand just in case.  My oldest son, had motion sickness.  He would puke even on short car rides.  Have your diaper bag in a handy spot.  If traveling by airplane I was told to give your child the smallest does possible of tylenol.  I would put some toys on the bar of the infant car seat(the links, or pull toys, etc..).  Just to give them something to look at.  Play soothing music(if in car).  Talk to them a lot, if they are awake.  If in the car, I would get one of those mirrors that you set up in the back, and you can watch your baby in the rear view mirror.  Make sure you have their formula or juice.  If you are going to be on a train or airplane you might want to bring baby food or if they are eating them yet crackers.  This is my best advice with all my travel time.  Good luck.

  2. I travelled on my own from Nepal to New York with my oldest when he was about 8 months old.  I brought a few books, small toys, little snacks and other things he enjoyed.  Wet wipes are helpful- 22 years ago I just wet washcloths and kept them in sealed plastci bags.

    On the plane, I was given a seat in the front row center of the cabin.  Airlines used to have baby cots which could hook onto the wall in front of the seats (just under the bigger movie screen-or where it used to be).  They still might have those.   If you're flying, it's definitely worth checking on this before hand.  

    Also, taking off and landing can be hard on a wee one's ears.  If you're still breastfeeding, it would be good to feed during take off and landing as feeding can help keep your daughter's ears "pop"(a bit like us sucking on a hard candy)

    Good luck and have fun!  God bless you!

  3. use a baby carrier or sling instead of a stroller.  your hands will be free and there's no risk of walking too far away from your baby.  :)  have fun.  it won't be that bad!  

    Oh, you could also take a box of tissues.  sounds strange, but it kept my son occupied for a 2 hour flight!  pull them out...put them in...pull them out...put them in.....! lol!

  4. I have 9 month old twins and my husband and I have gone on two plane trips with them, and the best advice I can give you is to put the baby in a baby carrier on your body (such as a baby bjorn).  They like it and sleep most of the way, and you can relax a little and your arms won't be falling off by the end of the trip.

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