
What are some high paying jobs??

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that involve helping people such as counseling or psychology??

do you have any other ideas??




  1. To get a well paying job in those fields you almost 100% will need to do graduate work either to get a master's or PhD. Pretty much anything once you have one of those degrees can pay well, unless you choose to work a low paying clinic or volunteer job to help under privileged people.

  2. You will study 9+ years to get your Ed.D. (doctorate of education for counseling), PhD, or PsyD to become a psychologist. Then once you have graduated with a large debt only find you do not have a job afterwords due to the market being over saturated with graduates. Granted private practice may be an option. However to have a successful private practice it takes more than hanging a shingle in your front yard with a degree after your name. It takes developing a reputation, making contacts, and developing a client base. All of this depends on getting a job after graduation and competing with about 100 applicants for each job.

    My recommendation is if you are looking to help people that pays well then I would recommend getting your MSW (Masters of Social Work), your MSN (Masters of Nursing), nurse anesthetist becoming a physician assistant, doctor, or lawyer.

  3. Private practice counseling pays well.

    If you develop a specialty such as teen drug users, perhaps you can get some schools to recommend you.

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