
What are some high school electives that you can take?

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I know there are tons and tons of electives, but which ones can you take for becoming a health teacher? Thanks! [=




  1. Speech and Drama, Art, Computer Aided Drawing, Cosmotology, Child Developement, TV Productions.  

  2. Probably the most useful class I ever took in high school was typing (called keyboarding nowadays).  It has improved my efficiency greatly, even though I am not the best of typers to this day.

    For a health teacher, I'd take as many health, family science, and physical education classes I could.  I'd also encourage you to take biology and chemistry.

  3. probably the ones that would be most recommended  is to take A.P. Biology and probably a health class

  4. Choir, fine arts, band, wood shop, home economics,

  5. It depends on what you choose your major to be in college. For example, in high school I took an extra math course (differential equations) since I already knew that I was going to major in math.

    If you don't know your major, then I recommend a computer course (typing) or a home economics course. Looking back now, I wish I would of taken a home economics course.

  6. health

    health occupations

    child development

  7. well, im going into high school this year and i want to become a doctor. I chose infants and toddlers and careers in health career.  

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