
What are some high school organization methods?

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I need some organization methods that will help me start High School. I'm looking for some ways to organize all my classes, such as putting all classes into one binder or separating them? Also is it better to carry around my backpack with my stuff in it or just leave my stuff in my locker? Any other organization tips would be helpful also. Thanks




  1. In my school, only those with a medical reason may use a locker, and they are not in convenient locations, and not very big...the only use they are is if you go by them often and/or before and/or after school and lunch.

    Anyway, I am now a junior in H.S. myself, and here is what I do, and trust me, it's saved me many headaches since junior high:

       -a 1" or 1/2" binder for every necessary subject (you won't need one for gym or other non-paper classes), or if you can, combine no more than two subjects per binder. I kept the classes with a lot of "paperwork" separate, like math, english, spanish, and biology. In addition, I had a 1/2" binder for architecture, being that most stuff was on computer, but still had paper/pencil stuff.


       -loose paper, not spiral-bound. Teachers hate "frizzies" on the edges, and not many want to stop and tear them off of perforated pages. I just make sure I have plenty of paper for each binder.


       -a pencil's not fun rummaging for a pencil or pen when you've been handed a pop quiz or test.


       -in your backpack (and I say stick w/ a backpack, not a bookbag or other...H.S.=heavy packs when going home), keep "academic" stuff in one pocket, lunch, etc. in another, cellphone/mp3/wallet, etc. in another, you get the idea. This is especially handy on gym-clothes-take-home days, such as Fridays for me when I did gym. Who wants their english binder to smell like gym clothes?

       -keep a planner, no matter how annoying. When given essays, it helps to write down key factors that may cost you dearly if you forget, etc. We were told from day one in Jr.High that many of the students that succeed are those that use planners.

    This is the main set of tips I can offer. Hope they help!

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