
What are some hints he only wants s*x?

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I have been dating a guy for about 4 months. What are some hints that he only wants a good time with me. Also, we have not been physically intimate.




  1. if he brings up s*x or suggest different intimate things. or definitely if he tries to get physical.

  2. He asks the personal and private questions first before getting to know you personally.  

  3. Baby keep doing what ever it is your doing he been around for 4months your doing something right. because if you have not gave him any yet then this guy really likes you.other then that he would have been gone.

  4. The biggest hint is that he asks for s*x. "We need to take our relationship to the next level" ,"If you loved me, you would. . . .", any of that type of garbage.

    You can excuse him trying to caress you while you are kissing, but don't let him get away with a grab. If he protests when you put a stop to any of his agressions, then it is time to seek another partner.

    Remember, every guy ( who isn't g*y or a religious fanatic ) wants s*x. The difference is how they go about it.

  5. Well i doubt he only wants s*x if it's been 4 months.

    If he doesn't ever call you.

    Seems rude.

    Is always pushing up on you.

  6. It depends how slick he is, but some possible signs could be...

    not introducing you to his friends

    doesn't say affectionate things

    ignores phone calls

    gets angry when you don't want to be intimate

    has a previous reputation

    flirts with other girls


  7. I'm going to have to agree with "Wordsworth_01" If he was after that, he would've made the move already. If he starts to act like he wants some then you may have to put out at least a little oral, but make absolutely sure you make it clear you are not interested in having full blown s*x.

  8. If he grabs your butt all the time.

    If he just stares into space (or at your b***s) while you're talking to him.

  9. he would have acted like a total pervert

  10. If he touches you in private areas.

  11. If he doesn't call you just to talk or he only calls you late at night, he's only interested in getting off. A guy who really likes you will call you during the day, in the morning, whenever, he will just want to talk to you or try and spend time with you.  

  12. After 4 months, it's pretty obvious he's truly into you. If he was just interested in s*x, he would've put the moves on you already. Or he would've dumped you by now. He wouldn't have waited so long. But it also depends on how old you are too.

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