
What are some home remedies ....?

by Guest57414  |  earlier

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you use on a daily basis at your barn.

For Example: metamucil recommendation. We use Wal-Mart's generic Equate brand which is psyllium-based just like Sandclear only for pennies on the dollar. Each horse gets a tsp on their grain am/pm for 5 days a month. We're in a very sandy area here but haven't had a colic in year




  1. Iodine and bacon grease works to get rid of warts on horse's faces.

    Motor Oil works to get rid of things like Spanish Itch, Sarcoptic Mange and most parasites that cause coat damage/loss.  Just WASH your horse before you ride!

    Bacon grease by itself works for wound ointment in a pinch.

    Apple Cider Vinegar dissolves STONES in your horse's stomach when added to feed on a daily basis.

  2. Dishwashing liquid stops weanlings and yearlings chewing each others tails off.

    Sugar and betadine made into a paste makes a great foot poultice for drawing abcesses.

    Vitamin E rubbed onto sores or wounds prevents the hair growing back white.

    An old bike inner tube cut into one long ribbon makes a great tail wrap when covering mares and can be disinfected afterwards. Also stays put and no need for velcro or ties.

    Melt mothballs in a pan and then pick each foot up, pour in the liquid and let it set for a minute - prevents shoes becoming snow packed and also prevents kick back of synthetic gallop surfaces.

  3. Bentonite clay

    It has alot of purposes... if you ingest it as a clay, it helps with coating the stomach with ulcers and belly aches *equine* although i would do it myself if i needed it lol

    Plus you can use it as a poultice and its cheap cheap.

  4. I keep my girl on Corn oil 1 cup daily, for prevention of colic, great for her skin coat, hoofs, muscles lots of benefits.  Also Saline solution for was out wounds or eyes if needed, iodine, I've got so much but when you don't have it, is when we need it:)  Also corn oil it great to help with weight.  Keep electrolytes in powder form in cause it's needed, (same as others), and lets see, umm O yeah Mineral Oil just in case of colic.  Also Vit E capsule break open and spread liquid on wounds to help prevent comeing back in white, if your horse is dark.  Also great for scares, and helps promote quick hair growth.

  5. Preparation H for itchy,dry or hairless skin.

    Apple cider vinegar diluted with water for flies.

    Peroxide diluted with water for cuts and sores.

    WD40 for sleek, shiny manes.

  6. -Garlic in your horse's feed to repel flies

    -Paprika (1 tbsp per day) to darken the coat

    -Orange juice (1-2 oz) daily to encourage shedding

    -Crisco and Shur-Hoof on thick, hard-to-remove grunge

    -Aloe vera juice for horses who easily get upset stomachs

    -Hot water and dawn dish soap to REALLY strip the dirt from your tack (soak for a few minutes then scrub scrub scrub. Follow up with plenty of oil - it will dry it out)

    -Kitty litter on wet spots in stalls to help with the odor

    -Listerine in the tail to prevent rubbing

    -Dissolve peppermints in water to encourage drinking - also good for soothing tummy

    -For soaking your horse's foot, go to a local vet clinic and ask for old fluid bags that they would normally throw out. Cut off the top and soak your horse's foot in that. They're tough and durable, and free!

    -Dryer sheets (like Snuggle of Bounce) rub on your horse's face (and on yourself!) to repel gnats. You can even use dryer sheets that have already been through the dryer.

  7. I like to keep a few bottles of clear Pedialyte (the flavorless kind) on hand in case a horse is in need of some quick electrolytes.  Corn oil purchased in bulk (especially if you can find the pump container) is great, so long as you keep an eye on it in the hot weather, as it can go rancid.  I have also heard of adding either paprika or tumeric to horses' feed to enhance color, though I have not tried this.  It's certainly much cheaper than the supplements they sell for the same purpose!  I also like generic Listerine from the dollar store (the amber colored, unflavored kind) for use topically (rain rot) and for a final disinfecting soak for brushes and hoof picks.

    In fact...there are a TON of great horsey things at the dollar store.  I could go on all day, lol.

  8. Regular cooking oil in feeds is the one that springs to mind.

  9. WD-40 for burrs in the tail. Or large knots.

    Spray on the bottom of shoes so snow doesn't stick.

    Spray some Static Guard  on a brush and brush out the tail no flyaway tails!

    Corn starch  to whiten socks.

    & Motor Oil says on the container NOT to have contact with skin. If so to rinse immediately!!! I would NOT put that on my horses or any animals open wounds!!!!

  10. umm, for poultice-:> bran & epsom salts & water....packed into the hoof & kept in place with a piece of grain bag, or plastic bag, wrapped in duct-tape to fit the hoof (we put a couple rounds of vet-wrap around the top of the hoof before putting the ''boot'' on to keep it from rubbing...

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