
What are some homeopathic - natural ways to improve vision?

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I'm nearsighted and would to know some ways I can improve my eyesight naturally.

And if you don't believe in alternative medicine, please don't bother replying to my question. Thank you.




  1. Nutrition for Healthy Vision

    Nutrition is a key factor in keeping a healthy visual system throughout life.  The eyes and brain contain millions of highly specialized cells, such as the rods and cones, which have specific nutritional requirements.  You can help prevent eye diseases and promote healthy, clear vision by making wise lifestyle choices such as eating well, reducing stress, exercising regularly, and not smoking.

    What are the nutrition basics for keeping healthy vision?

    1.  Eat a diet based on whole, fresh, organic foods.  Fruits and vegetables, beans and grains, nuts and seeds should be the foundation.

    2.  Supplement your diet with a good multi-vitamin to get the minerals and vitamins you may not get from your food.  Our soil is greatly depleted of the minerals it once held.  Therefore supplementation is more important than it was years ago.  Sea vegetables are also an excellent source of minerals.

    3.  Incorporate anti-oxidants into your diet.  Research shows that antioxidants can be very helpful in keeping healthy eyes and vision.

    4.  If you are diagnosed with an eye disease, research the nutritional aspects of the disease and adjust your diet accordingly.  Consult with a nutritionist or doctor who specializes in healing with nutrition and detoxification.

    5.  Remember that natural sunlight is a nutrient that we all need. Ideally, spend an hour outside in natural light each day. Take a walk in the morning or evening  and enjoy the added benefit of exercise, too!

    Healthy nutritional habits lay the foundation for healthy eyes and vision all your life.  Enjoy those carrots and their healthy cousins from the garden and healthy food store!

    Dr. Mercola - "It is very clear that omega-3 oils are a major player in reducing the level of many eye disorders. Clearly that is the case for Aging Related Macular Degeneration. DHA, one of the major fats in fish oil, is a large part of the retina and the brain. Omega-3 fats are also particularly important for preventing the complications of diabetes and its effect on the retina."

    Dr. Mercola recommends the following: "You should then take fish oil capsules. The standard fish oil capsule is 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA. You should take approximately one capsule for every ten pounds of body weight, preferably in two divided doses. So if you weigh 160 pounds you would take 8 capsules twice a day. If you have problems with belching them up, you will want to consider taking them on an empty stomach. Cod liver oil has the benefit of providing you with vitamin D and A. A reasonable dose for cod liver oil is one teaspoon for every 30-40 pounds of body weight. If you use cod liver oil during your summer you will need to be careful of vitamin D toxicity and I suggest you review the information on vitamin D testing. When you take fish oil supplements or cod liver oil in the doses I recommend please be sure and take an one vitamin E 400 unit supplement per day as this will help serve to protect the fat from oxidation. This is less of an issue with the cod liver oil as the vitamin D itself is a very potent anti-oxidant.  

  2. N-Acetyl Cysteine as well  as a host of other foods vitamins and minerals. See: EYE ADVISORY.COM

  3. try the bates method which is palming sunning swinging

  4. To avoid further deterioration reducing your intake of table sugar might perhaps help.  See items 13, 54 and 68 in .

    A web search for "vision enhancing foods" will tell you what foods to eat and these include carrots, blueberries, corn and many others.

  5. The Traditional Chinese Medicine view, which I hold, is that the eyes are the window to the liver and that eye health can be aided by properly helping the liver be clear of obstruction and heat. Some Chinese herbs are favorites for aiding the liver. Some of my personal favorites are buplerum, milk thistle, schizandra berries, and the combination of chrysanthemum flowers and goji berries. These last two are used to make an herbal tea by infusing with hot water. This should be consumed all day and for some period of time until the relief you seek is reached.

    A commercially available product for eye stress relief is called Oculax by the 3T Herb Company. While they cannot state that is may help near-sightedness in the US, studies in China have shown significant improvements in both reductions in eye pressure and increasing visual acuity in continuous use in a 30 day period. It would be worth trying.

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