
What are some homeopathic ways to treat pain?

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I really don't like taking pain pills, I don't like the way they make me feel, and they just don't fit right with me.

What are some alternatives to prescription pain pills to ease moderate to severe pain?




  1. Some classic homeopathic remedies for pain would include Arnica montana for bruising, ledum for such things as puncture wounds and bites where there is an injection type injury (could also be covered by Apis and others), and Hypericum (sometimes used for such things as wisdom teeth removal and other dental work characterized by a dull but insistent throbbing pain.  There are many other remedies as well.  What are your specific complaints, as the correct remedies in homeopathy are detailed by the symptoms one has.

  2. I do have some remedies, but I need more information:

    What type of pain--muscular or joint, etc...

    Where is pain located.

    Edit your question to include this information and I may be able to help

    IF you've had x-rays and your collarbone is NOT broken, your Best alternative medicine is to see a chiropractor--not a traditional one.  Look for one who advertises "low force technique" or "gentle and precise adjustments" or "kinesiology" (no snap and pop).  

    Also helpful is foot message.  Rub hands vigorously together until they feel hot. Massage bottom of foot from ball of foot to ends of toes.

  3. For muscle spasm, Valerian works well at 2 capsules every 5-6 hours.  Grape seed extract works well for inflammatory pain.  Fish oil on a daily basis lessens pain intensity throughout joints and muscles.  Calcium/magnesium/zinc combination is very good for lessening an achy feeling in your bones/joints.  Glucosamine and chondroitin combination makes a difference in pain intensity in joints and muscles.  The key is to take vitamins and herbs consistently just as you would a prescription drug as the blood level of the natural aid needs to be maintained for maximum benefit.  Applying an ice pack to the affected area, especially muscle spasms/inflammation, for 10 minutes is good -- even better if you can go 20 minutes.  Use of a heating pad is good for increasing circulation and brings relief through that mechanism.  Treatment with acupuncture and a regimen of Chinese herbs is what changed my life from experiencing constant sharp pain to intermittent-constant dull pain that I can ignore for a while.

  4. Homeopathy is ridiculous. It can't work because homeopathic "remedies" contain no active ingredients. It is based on fantasy and magic.

  5. Problem with homeopathic remedies is you need to know how to reperatorized well and take all the symptoms in the body to know which chakra is out of balance and which specific one is needed.  IF you have a diagnosis that eliminates the possibility of an underlying illness, then I would use Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence with bottlebrush added as it has a much broader effect and does not need exact symptoms to help with the pain.

    get the book Australian Bush Flower Healing by Ian White and you can look up more specifics for other illnesses you have so that you can have overall more health

    Use Search Engine and type in "Australian Bush Flower Essences" with the quotes and put in your city, province/state and country to find the nearest supplier

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