
What are some homeschooling fun programs?

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what are some programs for meeting people your age that are homeschooled.

what projects can i do

what sites are for homeschooling enjoyment.

i have an online school site that i im on the computer ALOTT




  1. We do not home school.  We fear our son will not get the education he needs from going to school but I am sure I am not so disiplined that I could do a better job...Best of luck to you and your teacher.  I wish I could do the same for my child I just fear he may fall behind.  

    If you go to they should have some suggestions for you.

    best of luck and congratulations for beating the system.

  2. It would depend on where you live.  There are a lot of homeschool groups around though.  

    Here my kids have participated in fencing lessons, snowboard and ski lessons, film class, drama classes, chess club, been in plays and musicals, been extras in a movie, golf lessons, different workshops and classes, etc.

    There is a lot out there.

  3. If you are on the computer that much, you should be looking away from it for socialising and entertainment. The net might be helpful for finding that though :) Look up the organisations in your town, you might find some clubs to join. Recreational groups, places needing volunteers, your local homeschooling group. As for projects to do, well that is such a broad question I could start typing now and still not have run out of ideas by tonight. There's a whole world of ideas around that are there to be contemplated, skills to be learned, places to see, people to chat to. Follow your interests. Talk to people and have a go at their interests too.

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