
What are some household remedies for bug bites?

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to make the itching stop

or to make he bug bites go away?




  1. Plantain leaves, all the way! It stops itching, sucks poison out of spider bites (Indians used it a long time ago to suck the poison out of snake bites, successfully!) and is amazing all around. :)

    Plantain the "weed," not the banana-type fruit. I will link to more info. about plantain that also has a picture (I hit myself when I found out what it was... everyone, I think, knows this as a common weed, but it really works!)

    For a bug deterrent, try this recipe.

    *Insect Repellent*

    2 c, witch hazel extract

    1 ½ tsp. citronella or lemongrass essential oil

    1 T. apple cider vinegar

    Combine in 16 oz. spray bottle. Shake. No need to refrigerate. Apply liberally, avoiding mouth, eyes and nose.

  2. ice for itch and swelling

  3. good old spit. your own obviously. just rub it on affected area

  4. hold a penny on it for a few minutes works best on bee, wasp, hornet bites. the copper reacts with the bite to make it not swell and rids the pain.

  5. Baking soda and vinegar paste will stop the itch. It will be fizzy.

    As for keeping bugs away, I have heard that vanilla repels mosquitoes, but I have not tried this myself.  I just use children's insect repellent without DEET.

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