
What are some ideas for RANDOM things to do when on an out of state vacation? gimme alllll your ideas!?

by  |  earlier

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We left illinois (home) and drove to Texas, where we are now. ideas for the roadtrip back and while we're here are very appreciated!




  1. Go to where there is no get a feel of the town and it's people!

  2. shop!


    go to amusement parks!

    check out hott guys!

    relax at the hotel!

    find the town hot spots!


    take lots of pics!

    embrace the atmostphere!

  3. meet random out of state people and pretend u have this crazy accent, and be halerious...they are never gonna see you again most likly anyway..haha...

  4. Go buy some Faygo and pour it all over yourself.

  5. play washers, horseshoes, go hiking, exploring. what kind of vacation is it? i guess i assumed you were camping...


  7. if yo go to Alaska go white water rafting or go to a animal park to see moose and bear (Kodiak,black,brown). if you are anywhere Elise go to a local hotel and swim or see what the state is famous for.

  8. do stuff and dont get caught? like mess with the people there and treat all their **** like junk. lmao

  9. test drive a car ... it's amusing

  10. make a list of weird objects such as mardigra beads and such, and go on a scavenger hunt!!! a lot more fun than it sounds like

  11. test their fastfood, and compare it to your native state's fastfood.

    mcdonalds in tennessee is alot better than south carolina's mcdonalds ive noticed.

  12. -Leave random messages in stones all across the state. (Kind of like Fortune Pebbles instead of cookies)

    -Take polaroid (or regular) pictures of you with weird things, or focused a certain way so for example it could look like you're climbing a tree even if you're not.

    -Make labels for random objects around the state and tape them. (Such as, Tree, Stone, doorknob, gas pump etc)

    -Go into convenient stores and see what things you find in this particular state that you would not find in your state.

    -talk to strangers in different accents.

    -Use a voice recorder to record your every move.

    -Do things that people would not think to do in that state (swimming in Alaska for example...It's possible, but it's not what you would go do)

    -Make an alphabetized list of things you need to find, then put the time and place of where you found it.

    -Collect leaves, flowers, and other plants and put them in a book.

  13. Eat plain dog biscuits off the floor of a gas station, walk through a Taco Bell drive through, converse with people through open car windows (your window or theirs), hug a stranger, do something you normally wouldn't do in a public restroom (walking in a small room to something weird is always fun), crossdress, go crazy...just don't hurt anyone.

  14. Find cool haunted spots

    stay in a really nice hotel for at least a night

    Buy something that is very representitive of the places you go.

    Send postcards

    start a new collection of something.

    see all the crazy side of the road odd things they may have like big balls of twine.

    keep a tally of different license plates states.

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