
What are some ideas for my HIgh school teenage Democrat group?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to get my democratic group involved in the upcoming general election/community, but i have little to no ideas that i think will actually work. Can you help me out?




  1. democrats suck. but you sound like a good person though.

  2. I'm NOT a democrat, so I should be able to help you...Try holding a mini-debate...Choose 2 students for each party (Pres. and VP candidates)...Choose several students to be news media representatives that will ask the candidates questions that have been submitted by the remaining students in the class...

  3. Obama campign. I do it on the week-ends. Lovely people.

    Go to one in your city, and you can get your group together and go canvassing, make phone calls, put data in the computer.

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