
What are some ideas for my boyfriends 17th birthday next Thursday??

by  |  earlier

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I don't have much money, so I have come up with some DIY ideas. Can you add on to any of these, please? I want it to be special. And I can't drive yet, so taking him somewhere is out of the picture, and so is s*x. Here are my ideas:

-A card

-Chocolate cupcake with I love you and a heart on it

-Posters all over school

-Tank inside of tons of boxes (That's kind of an inside joke between the two of us)

-Coupon book: kisses, back massage, homemade cookies, date where we did what he wants to do (to some extent), haha

-Love note in a bottle in locker

Any suggestions??




  1. I would skip posters all over school. Don't embarrass him that much.... How about tie some balloons to handle of his locker instead? Make CD for him of his favorite tunes. Could put some pics. of you or both together on magnet picture frames to hang in his locker. Could make a cork bulletin board with memorabilia of things you have done together for is room. Start a photo album.

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