
What are some ideas for service auctions?

by  |  earlier

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A group I am a part of is holding a service auction. I am living in a college residence hall, so any kind of cooking is out of the question. Mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, babysitting, etc. are also out of the question because there are very few families/houses here.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




  1. How about some web work? There area  lot of local business owners that would love getting started on the internet, you could set them up on a free site, and they could buy the domain for a few bucks and own their own domain.

    There are scammers doing this for large amounts of money to people that don't know any better, but if you charged a reasonable fee, or auctioned it off as a service, I think you'll find interest.

    Another thing you could do is offer to write a business review and post it for that business.

    Here's a more in depth article I wrote that deals with this issue and more.

  2. auction off dates or a personal shopper

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