
What are some ideas on how to sell my Discontinued Mary Kay Make Up?

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I am willing to give a 30% discount on the items I have in stock and ship it to people for free that don't live in my area. I just need some ideas on ways to sell my discontinued Mary Kay Products and to get more customers.




  1. Ebay or craigslists  

  2. ebay!!!

  3. Put it on E-Bay, see if you can consign it to a beauty shop or day spa-type store, or get a booth at a local trade show or flea market.  (I would suggest a women's-themed trade show event if that's in your budget--you could drum up business for your new items as well as sell the old.

    If none of those ideas will work for you, you could give some/all of it away as a promotion and write it off as a tax deduction.

  4. ebay or craigslist

  5. I made up a mary kay myspace page and added people from around my area. I am hoping some of them will contact me.

  6. ooooh my friend in asutrailia is trained by them and has recomened it to me, i would buy some but i live in UK

    what kind of stuff to you have..

  7. When you have classes, take the stuff with you.  Set out some of it and tell them that you are having a 30% off on all the items you specify.  People go crazy for sales!  I recently sold ALL of my discontinued items this way.  Now I have room on my shelf for some other stuff and I have profit in my pocket too!

    If you love your Mary Kay business, do NOT sell anything on craigslist, ebay, or anywhere else that is not Mary Kay Inc. approved.  One of my team members done it and Mary Kay Inc. found out, shut her sites down, and she received a letter basically stating she could lose her Agreement as a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay.  I know a lot of people go there for bargains but we can't go there to sell.

    You can have fishbowls out for 1 lucky winner to receive "X" product while at the same time gaining more customers altogether.  Send out flyers and emails to your customers, visit places you go regularly (kids school, work, etc.) to help sell your discontinued items.

    If you need more help, I'm sure your Director has tons more ideas.  

    Best to you!


    Team Leader for MK

  8. Talk to your Director and other people in your unit who are where you want to be experience is the best learning tool and we have plenty of that in Mary Kay .

    Since the company gives us great notice I start selling off things before they are discontinued at 15 - 20% off then increase as it gets closer to discontinued.  Then I call all my customers and schedule times to come around with my Clearance basket they love that and always buy something some shop for xmas gift some for themselves.  

    As for finding new customers again we have over 100 ways to do that so ask you director for some information on fish bowls and facial bags table restaurant and other warm charter events hand out business card everywhere you go word of mouth is the best tool.  Offer your customers an incentive for referrals.  

  9. Post it in the local paper, also post it on, I have sold a few things there.

  10. Yes, eBay would be a great place to sell. I would have the word discontinued in the title so that it's searchable, as well as the product and the color. Make sure you start the bidding at the absolute lowest price you will accept for the item. Best of luck!

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