
What are some ideas on how we can bring more missing children home?

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I have a myspace site that I have been working on for the last couple of years. I have come up with one idea of making t-shirts with the faces of the missing and/or unidentified. A local person has put some faces on a cement truck. What are some good ideas on how to spread the word so more children make it back home?? And also that more unidentified people's families have some sort of closure.




  1. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children are the experts in this field -- visit the group's web site, learn about  the myths associated with missing kids and learn about what's being done to find them, and how you can help.

  2. The largest single problem with all society is lack of participation.

    The largest reason for lack of participation is the Law.

    How? Civil law allows a judge in closed session with no jury to define a person as "undesirable" in many ways. These ways include: insanity claims against said person, divorce resulting in impossible large imputed incomes that for all intents and purposes automatically jail at worst case forever and "in the best case" result in total loss of civil rights such as business and patent rights. You see, an "undesirable" has no right to find lost children, or own or control any resources.

    Literally millions of "liberals" have no civil rights due such fraud from conservative courts.

    If you want the best and brightest people in your society "helping" to solve public ills (rather than to cause them so as to terrorize the populace into permitting ever increasing amounts of fraud and money and power grabbing by the "conservatives" of both parties) then you will need to get politically active and literally stop the madness that is "conservatism".

    Doing things as individuals is stupid. It is literally inane. Any economist will tell you there is no sense working alone, it is inefficient. People are suffering, so efficiency is important. The best way to get peopler together on such a project is to make it legal for all to participate in at least some way, because otherwise you are part of the problem. Conservatives don't see it that way; so they must go.

    I know, they will lie about it. Conservatives do believe in lying. But they will not allow for any competition they don't have to. Period. Exclusion from "free markets" is their mantra.

    That is why whole sections of De@dbeat Dad laws are formulated to exclude Liberals and other functionally marginalized peoples, by allowing rediculous labels to be applied to nice people with little to no possibility of those nice people getting a chance to redeam themselves inm any capacity. They have 30 days to appeal a de@dbeat dad "finding". But the D ate R ape D rugs so often employed against Liberals by Conservatives take sometimes 20 years to allow for a recollection of the "embarrassment" that lead to the civil law charges in the first place. By then, the 30 days is "up" and the de@dbeat dad "law" is irrefutable, by statute. Does this make sense? Well it does to Conservatives! They profit from a lack of competition.

    I was a cop. I was a Game Warden's Deputy. I arrested the wrong people (conservatives). They were trafficking in dope. I was d ate r ape d rugged. I was declared married and divorced (all civil law ~ no jury). I am now considered "eligible" for years behind bars, because I cannot "prove" anything to an organized criminal's court.

    To my way of thinking, the worst crime a person can commit is voting for a criminal to lead your nation. But there are no Liberals running. Why? Conservatives are sickos, and crooks. They exclude anyone they can from participation, break up families and hurt children, women and men culled from the herd in Jeeee Haaad! (Jeeee Haaad is what rustlers yell to stampede cattle as they steal them ~ it's a conservative "joke" that "liberals" are all cattle. Another "conservative "phonetic joke" or pun is that they are looking for the "Bein Laden" ~ this means a great big load of d ope, heroin. They hate us so much they mock our nation in every way.)

    No, many conservatives don't know they are being used and made fun of.

    So what?

    They are.

    Wake them up. But be care-full. Many do know and are voting conservative because they were promised lower illicit (illegal) d ope for less money by the conservatives (supply side, d ope supply side, economics has long been a feature of conservative politics). Waking up a d oper that your on to their "tricks" and treason is dangerous.

    If we can all work on a problem many hands make light work.

    For instance, we as a people have technologies that can recognise faces and other body shapes, such as bone geometry. With the proper use of such technologies we could find just about anyone who visits sites where sensors can be placed. Computers offer great advantages over 'legwork'.

    But most inventors live in "blue states" because they aren't sickos who feel the only way they can "win" is by theft through organized treasonous governance, like the conservatives practice. So many of these people are "found" to be de@dbeat dads, as even in "blue states" conservatives rule, especially in the courts.

    Democrat usually means "less conservative". But today, the conservatives are in every party, messing with every law and court. They divide and attack any decent person of merit.

    Otherwise, you would hear about this from some other source besides Yahoo Answers.

    But, de@dbeat dads cannot print newspapers. For all the conservative speaches about freedom of the press, they are not about to allow any critic a business license to print anything against them.

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