
What are some ideas or activities that a single Dad can do with his 8 year old daughter?

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My brother is recently divorced & one heck of a father. While he is pursuing full custody until then he is stuck with visitation, The problem is that he isn't used to parenting alone and is a bit lost on what to do with her. He's not a 'sit and play house' type guy, but is always trying to find something different to do that is fun and new.

I tried to get some fun things for them to do but, she has so many toys its the one on one attention that she needs more then anything.

Any tips that I can pass along that will help him to have a strong bond with her?




  1. Coach her in soccer or baseball or basketball

    Coaching is a very good way to bond with a young girl

    Take her Rolling Skating or Bowling

    Join a Bowling league for dad and child

    I do not know anything about your brother or ex sister in law

    I do know the child need both parents in her life, that is very important

    IF they lived in the school district, they can have shared custody

  2. go cycling together

    learn to rollerskate or iceskate together

    he could teach her to fish or play pool or snooker

  3. riding bikes, playing board games, chuckie cheese haha, fishing, camping, or if there's any sports he likes to play maybe he could show her how, bowling, if she likes to swim? I was on swim teams for a while and it was always a blast. My dad took me to every meet and you do your relays and spend all day together.  

  4. Go to a good movie. Get her to help him with grocery shopping and cook a meal together. Do the museums and aquariums. Explore your home town, finding things you didn't know about. Bike the trails. Go camping together. Take her shopping so she can show him all the clothing and jewelry she is into now. Make a picnic lunch and find a neat place to eat.

    There's ice skating and swimming, roller skating and arcades. That adds up though!

    She might love fishing! The girls in our family do.

    Take her to the public library for age-appropriate activities. Pick out books together. Help her with her homework.

    And always keep an open heart and a ready, listening ear.  

  5. Well I don't know his daughters personality if shes girly girl or what not, but if he doesn't want to just sit around he can take her to the park or just run around out back and play catch with her if she's interested in sports. It's not just a guy thing you know =) They can go swimming. He can take her on a father daughter date you know lunch and a movie. The important thing for him to do is spend that time he has with her and let her know that he'll always be there && that its not her fault. Getting divorced is a big thing in that little girls life right now. I'll be praying for him & his daughter.  

  6. bowling/skating


  7. Your brother could do simple things one day and big things the next.  Does she know how to Bike?  that is always fun! is there a park nearby where they could feed birds.  Bring her to a water park nearby.  doing crafts and chalking on their drive way are easy and quick! hope this helps!

  8. Girls can be difficult, I have 2 and sometimes I dont know what to do with them. He could do simple things like go to the park, maybe there are some street fairs or flea markets in the area. Set up a resturant in her room with menus printed on the computer, and use real food on her tea sets. They could ride bikes together, play some board games. He could also try the batting cages or catch a matinee movie. Its really not what they do or where they go I think its more important that what ever they are doing he is interacting with her and playing with her, not on his cell phone or watching TV.

  9. ride bikes

    roller skate


    work puzzles

    spend a day at the park just talking to her kids love when parent just want to kind of "be their friend for a day"

    maybe she has ideas about things she wants to do but just needs someone to ask her what she would like to try.

  10. Here are some ideas. He may want to stick to free or low cost activities-he should check for coupons or specials.

    Kids museum


    Historical sites


    Kids movie matinee

    Flying kite at park

    Tossing frisbee around

    A children's play or performance such as a magic show

    Amusement Park

    Swimming at a pool or lake or rec center

    Playing at the playground

    Bike or scooter ride.

    Teaching the girl a skill like tennis, basketball, throwing a ball or football, kicking around a soccer ball

    Also he could sign her up for a class or sport and make sure she gets there.

    Teaching the girl how to work and do chores-painting together, cleaning together, washing the car, doing laundry, running errands together, going to the bank. All their time together doesn't need to and really shouldn't be all entertainment. 'Teaching her how to cook some basic things- even if it is just frozen pizza and maybe baking up brownies.

    Renting a kids or family dvd and some good books at the library.

    Helping a grandparent or someone who needs help.

    Going for a drive and looking at the fall leaves. Going to an apple orchard.

    Taking her to church or Sunday school.

  11. He can take her bowling. Or to the zoo. If she doesn't know how to ride a bike, tell him to, teach her.They can go to the park and play soccer, or take her to the movies. Take her to the mall and let her buy a new outfit. He could ask HER what she wants to do, maybe she might have an idea too. But talking to her and focusing on her is the most important thing to do. I grew up living with my mom, and only seeing my dad on the weekends. I would go grocery shopping with him and he'd buy me my favorite pie or ice cream, and cook me a big meal for dinner. he would take me roller blading at the park, and bought me knee pads and a helmet and taught me how to bike ride. Those memories will always be with me so tell him to try something like that.

  12. Go to the Zoo, Park, or the Library, maybe fishing?? Or if she's a "girly-girl" that store Libby-Lu or build a bear store??  

  13. do things that interset her personally it will help with the participation of he's daughter more. I am a single mother of two boys and trust and believe I wish they were girls cause omg it is hard but they like sports and marvel movies so I take them to the movies and take them to craigs crusers ( sprot play area) they love it plus we all have fun!

  14. go to the beach!

  15. You know what would be amazing!

    He can try asking her what she would like to do.

    Really this divorce isn't just affecting your bro it is taking a huge toll on her. She probably feels lost with no control over the matter.

    So ....Let her feel in control for once. Let her know that her opinion matters and she should be treated like a princess for one day.

    Pretty much it. I'm a genius I know.

    Another thing that I would like to try would be a pottery/ceramic painting class. You know where they can paint a mug or a bowl. But that would only be for an hour or two.  

  16. Especially a girl... go to a craft store and let her pick someting to do and he can help her make it.. or make one of his own. THer are SO many things to do... paint by numbers... decorate a picture frame and put a picture of both of them in it... decorate a ton of things.. t-shirts--purses whatever.  They have kits already to go... or they can start using their imagination.  They even have wood workign stuff.. wood burning.. painting.. it is endless.  You can go there every week and pick something new out.  Teaches her to use a glue gun.. make gifts for people, grandma etc...  make her own jewelry.. etc

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