
What are some ideas that can be implemented to prevent teen pregnancy at the community level

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What are some ideas that can be implemented to prevent teen pregnancy at the community level




  1. Pre martal s*x is a sin in the eyes of God. Just abstain from s*x till marriage, as simple as that.

  2. I run a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program in my county.  Right now we are working on media campaigns throughout the community.  If you have the money to do so, TV ads, radio spots, billboards, and print ads all bring about a lot of community awareness.  One thing I've noticed is how much people have responded to our community campaign.  You can start out big or small; either way, it will have an impact on someone somewhere!  Get a group of teens and parents together to use as a focus group to create the kind of advertisements they'd like to see.  Since you'll most likely be targeting teens and parents, it's key to find out what they want to see!  And just a warning, be prepared for backlash from the community, especially in more conservative areas.  Regardless of how much you "dumb-down" a campaign, there will always be someone offended by what you have to say.  Some people in our area have even argued that we promote abortion by trying to prevent teen pregnancy.  How they make that connection is beyond me, but there are crazy, close-minded people out there!  Hope this helps a little and good luck in your efforts!  God knows we need to do something to prevent this horrific epidemic!

  3. Lack of s*x education contributes greatly to teen pregnancy.  Any program seeking to reduce early pregnancies should start w/the basics of biology, contraception & avoidance of STDs.  Contraceptives, especially condoms, should be readily available.

    Low self-esteem among girls also contributes to teen pregnancies.  I'd include esteem building concepts in a comprehensive program.  Dove sponsors the Campaign for Real Beauty as a way to combat inappropriate self images among girls.  They offer a FREE workshop training guide to help you offer workshops.

    Good luck with your program!

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