
What are some ideas to persuade the New Orleans residents from coming to Houston to avoid Gustav?.?

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We are still dealing with the "refugees" from Katrina. I don't think our economy can handle anymore people that don't work, commit crimes, and leech off of our already strained welfare and social programs. We don't mind the ones that are productive but it seems we always get the bottom feeders. Is it possible to disable the Trinity River bridge without damaging it?




  1. Oh you are silly!  They probably shouldn't come to Houston b/c Gustav COULD hit Houston.  You never know when the storms start racing through the Gulf where it will land till a day or so before.  Remember Rita?  Everyone said it was headed right for Houston- and it went past us.  

    So just tell people not to come b/c Houston floods very easily and you may get some bits of the storm.  B/c that is all the truth and you don't have to say anything to hurt anyones feelings.

  2. I don't want to think you are being serious but I fear you are. First of all  I don't want any resident outside of Houston, from New Orleans or not ever thinking that they are unwelcome in Houston. If you think that its all the New Orleans peoples fault that you can't get your welfare check or you lost your job or whatever your problem is you are wrong it could be the closed minded attitude the bad sense of hospitality or the fact that you are hitting people when they are alreadyat a low.

    The economy is c**p in every state the economy is c**p because the government spends money it doesn't have at all.

    There may be some people who happened to be New Orleans refugees who aren't doing everything they can and maybe some criminals from New Orleans came to Houston. However not one group of people is responsible for all the crime and problems in our city. That's the problem in itself if we continue to act and speak with such hate and biased opinions the war against each other will only continue to get worse.

    Now I dont know if people feel the way they do about New Orleans because what they hear or they've never been to N.O. but we could all use a little of their spirit and culture. So kick back and relax and maybe even try to help someone out for the better. Stop igniting the hate and help someone less fortunate than you.

    And the trinity river bridge is in Dallas FYI.

  3. Well u shouldn't run to New Orleans when Gustav destroys Houston!!!

    Peoples lives are in danger and you are worried about people getting welfare~

    What a world we live in!!!

  4. Right on!

    Katrina didn't change Houston? Bull $&%# !!

    The west side of Houston (Westchase) has changed forever. There are a lot of apartments in that area and thugs roam the streets all night since Katrina. That is a fact! This use to be a nice area even with all the apartments and now it is a danger zone.

    C'mon all you have to do is drive around the city of New Orleans and see it is a cesspool...literally! I love the charm and history of New Orleans, but let's face's a dump.

    Of course we will help anyone when they are in need, but don't pretend Houston doesn't suffer more than it gains when we take in people from New Orleans....and they stay.

  5. About 75,000 people from New Orleans evacuated to Houston and we will be eternally grateful to the city for helping in our time of need.  I sincerely hope no disaster ever happens to force an evacuation of Houston.  If it does and New Orleans can help we will be more than glad to do so.

    Regardinjg the insulting tone and intent of your question, Houston has a population of more than 5 million and 75,000 isn't enough people to change the economy.  Also, most of the people who evacuated to Houson are long gone.

    Houston's crime rate was increasing BEFORE Katrina and local politicians simply blamed the increase on Katrina evacuees. That is not to say no crimes were committed by people from New Orleans, but they were not enough to make the rate change - especially in 2007 and 2008 (evacuees started leaving Houson in 2006).

  6. Why would we go to Houston? Houston is lame :D

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