
What are some ideas to spark up this story?

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Ok, so all that have of my story idea is really basic. I want to do a story where a girl has to stay with her parents friends (who have 5 sons) because..well I don't know why they have to go yeah. I am pretty brain-dead right now and I really would like to start writing a story. I won't directly take your ideas; I will just use them to get started (none of my finished stories are like they were when they don't worry about copyright stuff). so yeah. any details you can come up with will help!

thanks! :)




  1. A reason why she'd stay with her parents' friends could be that her parents are visiting Europe for the summer.

    I'm not going to give you your plot, but let me just say that I've seen stories where there were 5 brothers, or 5 best friends living together (like in a college dorm), and in all of them they all had different personalities and the girl ended up "liking" one, but ending up with another, and one of them is her best friend and one of them is a nerd, one of them is a player, one of them is a drug addict, and the last is a comedian. I swear, every story I've read, this is how it is. PLEASE be different.

    Just so you know, these stories were on

  2. have the parents not really paying attention in their own little world and the people she is staying w/ you could have them all have one thing in common but other than that totally different . that would be cool

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