
What are some ideas you may have to reduce cabin fever with my preschool class?

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It's too cold here to take my kids out to play and the gym that sits right next door is closed in the mornings, which is the only time I can take them anywhere due to our schedule. I have been trying to keep them active in the room, but it's very small in there and with 8 kids it can get dangerous if they do too much running. Any ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!




  1. Play music that they can dance to. Some favorites in my class are..

    Tooty Ta

    Mr. nickerbocker

    Ants go Marching

    Dr. Jean and Barney songs are great!

  2. Too cold to go outside? Where do you live? I would bundle them up and take them out for at least a little while. The cold air is good for them!

  3. Last year we did exercises every day.  We did stretches and the basics.  They weren't allowed to run around the room, but in place.  We also pretended to be animals and different objects.  We had music time and danced our hearts out.  There is a lot of things you can do.  I like to have them sit together and give me songs THEY want to sing and have singing time.  Also, we had game time once in awhile.  We knew they were a little young for games, but they enjoyed it.  You can have science projects targeting young children, art projects, fun food projects.  Use your imagination!

  4. Here's a few that might be good for preschoolers:

    Indoor Hopscotch

    Use a large sheet of craft paper, a marker and some tape to make the hopscotch (taped to the floor) and a bean bag for tossing.


    Obstacle Course

    Use boxes, chairs, pillows and other common items to

    jump over, crawl under, and move around.

    Around the World

    Ask children to form a big circle. Call out a colour.

    The children wearing that colour run around the world

    (outside of the circle, in the same direction).

    Continue to call colours until all the children have

    had a chance to run. Have children use different

    movements (skip, gallop, leap) to move

    around the outside.

    Active Alphabet

    Have the children use their bodies to form the

    different letters of the alphabet. Have the

    children do this independently or have them work

    in groups to form each letter (e.g. a group of

    three children would form the letter “A”).

    Good luck and I hope it warms up!!


  5. I have the same problem!  I have 4-year-olds.  I have 12 kids some days, by myself with about 4 girls and 8 boys.  I find that doing controlled activities with a lot of action to them helps.  Like doing the Hokey Pokey at circle time, or a game that involves jumping. Simon says helps, because they really have to listen to the directions and helps them focus. We also have a large room where they can do gross motor when it is too cold or too wet/hot/etc.  Sometimes, you also have to consider that they are going to be louder, because we cannot get outside.  Then, when they need to be quiet, try putting on soft music, turn off lights (if bright enough without), and read a quiet calming book.  Sometimes at lunch I have to turn off the lights, and put a calming CD on.  There energy level at lunch gets a little high, and it is right before nap, so this helps...  Good luck.  I feel your pain.

  6. MY girls liked to cut paper when they were little.  Do they get to have scissors?  They could cut out stuff.

    They could rearrange the toys or bookshelves.

    Jumping jacks.




    Bean bag toss

    Sorry, I don't know much about that.

  7. If you have some hallways to walk through you could play follow the leader. Some action games like duck duck goose if you have the children walk instead of run. Do some dancing to different music, from slow to fast. Lots of stretching and running in place or hopping on one foot. Use the song and motions to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. I would make sure there is plenty of activities set up such as easel painting and play dough. Maybe have a theme day like PJ day or at the beach day. Fill the sensory table with sand or even water and flour.  Good luck.

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