
What are some illegal things you as cop have got away with?

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What are some illegal things you as cop have got away with?




  1. I got busted for everything I ever did starting at about age 14. This is why I joined them because I found out fighting them wasnt getting me anywhere.

    I am not kidding entirely about that either. Once I got on the department, I was ony guilty of violating an occasional work rule but had stopped being illegal by then.

  2. in the seventies i worked with a guy who was a deputy,he kept an old film tin in his patrol car with bags of pills, pot and whatever he'd get out of the evidence locker, to pick up people...not saying they didn't deserve to be arrested, but setting people up is never good....or fair.  one thing a lot do now, is walk around on Lortabs because of the gun belts...sad but true...

  3. Whatever illegal things most police do, speeding off duty for example, do not hold a candle to the sacrifice they give back to the community. A lot of people do not like police until they need them, then their tone changes and expect them to put their life in danger to protect them. How many people would try to protect or save people that openly despise them??? I would like to applaud the fine job our police in the USA do for our country. If anyone thinks our law enforcement is bad here, try going to another country ohh say El Salvador and try your luck there.

  4. umm kosm, you can NEVER be sure that someone is trying to better themselves. it's not a hollywood movie where you can just peer inside someone's head to see what theyre thinking.

  5. idk but i wouldn't expect a million answers to this if i were you. haha

  6. I am not a cop, but i have issue with cops setting people up.  You are ruining their life.  these people have kids, a family, and a life.  You cannot just set up a law-abiding citizen.  What about someone on probation, who is truly trying to betterthemselves.  You don't know them, you cannnot judge them and say, "well, this person is a criminal, I will set them up".  You are not the judge, and it is your job to find people who are actually breaking laws!!

    SAVAGE-that is my point exactly, so then you should never set people up because you do not know, and you could be wrong.

  7. Come on no do you think that a cop is going to tell you about the illegal things that they do and got away with.

  8. planting drugs in someones car just cause I didn't like them and wanted them to do some time.

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